Sunday, December 30, 2012


A Woot And A Half

I purchased something the other day. While I'm disappointed the store didn't have any on hand, I can live in antici....... pation for the next week or so.

My new laptop will be in soon.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

End of holiDays

Why, why is Felix The Cat: The Movie so damned expensive? $42.99 for it USED! I've wanted this movie for as long as I can remember. I finally have the means to get it... have the means to get a lot of stuff I want actually... but I'm unsure of how to proceed.

Part of me... a big part... is screaming to go to England and see my favorite band. And I'm afraid that if I don't, I'll regret it and never again have the chance to.

I can either do the one big thing or a few smaller things. Decisions, decisions. The smaller things I can get some other time if I strategically plan and save. So... hmm.

Listening to my favorite Christmas music one last time. Even though it's now the early morning hours of the 26th. Some Grinch soundtrack (especially "Better Do It Right" by Smash Mouth), my Annie Lennox song, and "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I recently saw a local place that had a bunch of artificial Christmas trees that had lights set in time with their holiday music. It was pretty awesome. I love TSO, should get more of their music. I'll reiterate on how outstanding their "Beethoven's Last Night" album was. (Although it's easier to follow if you read along via Wikipedia.)

My other finds it funny that it's still difficult for me to fall asleep on Christmas eve. I still feel that youthful anticipation. Even being the parent and no longer the child.

I need more Eels music.

There we go.

Meant to watch more holiday movies than I did. Like the Jim Carrey Grinch movie and Christmas Vacation. Oh well. Did see the original Grinch, The Santa Clause, Miracle on 34th Street (remake), and some Hallmark movie called Christmas With Holly.

Ah, some Gogol Bordello for the ears. For sure, if you ever want something eccentric... listen to them.Their Super Taranta! album. I personally love Wonderlust King, Zina-Marina, and American Wedding. 

There are two things I go through faster than a snow cone melts in July. 1)Earphones. Something always happens. Whether the wires inside go bad, or (most recently) the cord get caught on something and yanked out of the jack part of the set, I can't seem to keep a working pair of 'phones. 2)Phone chargers. My phone kills them. You know how when you plug your phone in, it's supposed to kinda click into place? Well eventually, the jack gets looser and looser and eventually doesn't charge my phone anymore.

I've become distracted with other things. Time to go. Shh, it's ok loves.

(If you understand this, you are to be congratulated.)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sweet Dream Weaver

Tonight I listened to my newest addition, Eurythmics. I discovered during the closing ceremony of this year's Olympics, which were in London, England, that Annie Lennox is a) British (Scottish, actually) and b) formerly of Eurythmics, and thusly the singer of Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This).

I know I keep gushing about Annie Lennox, but something about her draws me. Probably her artistry. Her videos and garb are catchy. Like the orange buzzcut and suit with gloves and staff thing in Sweet Dreams. And the 18th century style of Walking On Broken Glass. And... wait... ok that's awesome. Hugh Laurie and John Malkovich are in that video. Laurie is in his Blackadder character and Malkovich is his character from Dangerous Liasons. Just way awesome. I love discovering stuff like this.

Should be attempting sleep. Especially after seeing this:

Then again, I'm not one that is dreamed about. If I'm in any dreams, they probably involve violence, either from the dreamer or from me. (I like sharp implements and incite much frustration from others.)

On a more personal note...Wanted nothing more than to be a stay-at-home mom tonight. A bad bloody nose and scared child makes for a frustrated evening shift mother. Some may argue that going to work isn't the same as turning your back, but that doesn't change the way it feels. Or the way the child sees it.

Alright. Emotions peaking. Gotta go.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lá Maith

Been listening to Of Monsters And Men a lot lately. Their "My Head Is An Animal" album, from Little Talks through Yellow Light. Still adoring Love Love Love and Your Bones. It may be taking the place of The Vaccines as most played.

Today I drove about two hours to do some Christmas shopping in a more densely populated area and spend time with a friend. I met him at his residence, where I discovered he had my second favorite Moscato and a bottle of Glenlivet. As tempting as it was to later stay and indulge, I resisted. (Shouldn't have.) We met up with another friend I saw was in the area for an enjoyable late lunch, then parted ways and he & I did some holiday shopping. Saw an impressive sporting goods store, a remodeled mall that I occasionally went to when I lived closer (I remember my grandmother taking me when I was young, us going to Waldenbooks, and me leaving with brand new Goosebumps books... a cherished memory), and the awefulness that is no longer the Pasta House Co. I'm sure it's not that bad, but the fact that it's no longer what it was creates a rather large grudge.

Pretty much everything I bought could have been bought where I live, but I'm glad I went. It was a (needed) good time.

It was overcast when I left this morning. About a third of the way there, something was different. Then I realized there was a thin layer of snow on the fields that spread from the freeway. Soon after, it was actually snowing, and then the road got a bit hazardous and snow plows started appearing. It was as though I had gone into another world, from an overcast one to the beginnings of a winter wonderland. In the span of less than an hour.

Wearing my fuzzy Grinch pj pants. A bit snug, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Besides, when clothes are snug, that gives me a goal ;)

(For them to be less snug.)

That shall be all for now. I'll depart while listening to Gerard Butler sing "The Galway Girl."

(Oh! This pic reminds me of something! On a cruise ship on my senior trip, I took and wore a white shirt that said "I Love Irish Boys" in green. A friend of mine saw a guy wearing a shirt that said "Kiss Me I'm Irish" and tried her hardest to find me, but alas failed. Had she succeeded, it would have been awesome six ways to Sunday.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Yip Kick Hooray

So tired of the neighbor's dogs (overgrown rats) yipping all day. Fortunately for them, their masters are family of the landlord. However, there are still times I imagine bad things.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fahoo Fores!

I left the house for work today with three albums worth of new (to me) music on my ipod. Not just new albums, but artists I didn't have before. It created a feeling that wasn't quite euphoric, but still pretty hearty. They were Demon Days by Gorillaz (which I think I liked most), because I heard "Feel Good Inc" over the past weekend, Hell In My Heart by Bobaflex, because I liked "Bury Me With My Guns," and My Head Is An Animal by Of Monsters And Men. They sounded Irish to me, but they're from Iceland. I had heard "Little Talks" somewhere and liked it. I wasn't as immersed in the album as I'd hoped, but I did like "Love Love Love" and "Your Bones." The former was rather relaxing. Will definitely go on my Mellow playlist. "Your Bones" has a beat I really like, kind of a Bum... bumBum... I don't think it's a shuffle, but I can't think of its name. "Don't Worry Baby" by The Beach Boys has the same rythym, and Amy Winehouse has it in "Back To Black." (Though it's in countless other songs, I'm sure, these are just ones I can name.)

Getting the Grinch movie soundtrack. I have it somewhere but am reluctant to look for it at the moment. It's a good soundtrack... just season-specific. There was a Christmas concert special thing on tv a couple years ago, maybe a tree lighting or something, and Annie Lennox did God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. I loved it. Again, because of the beat to it. Ah, I found it. Christmas In Rockefeller Center.

Although I got the album and realized she was lip syncing rather than actually singing live... oh well.
(...Have I posted this before?...)

Still cutting back on the fermented and distilled. Trying to clear my head and keep my health at least at functioning level. No rum for a while now, but have had the occasional one or two ales.

Planning on knocking out some Christmas errands this weekend. Wish me luck. It's probably getting crazy out there. So damn glad I don't work retail anymore.

And for good measure... I would so wear this (I adore Grinch stuff)...
Grinch Costume

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Rough transition back to my regular later shift tonight... I went in early and joined the first evening shift on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. Tonight, back to the "second" second shift. And... hello lousy night.

I get to work and hear "we need you back at this area. Like, permanently. We miss you..." meaning I'm picking up someone else's slack... which isn't happening when I get started an hour late due to a staff meeting and also double workload. Though being the better person (for once) at something should have made me feel better, it didn't tonight.

Getting some (erm, more like the discography of) Bjork music. I read up on her the other night, thank you wikipedia, and saw how independently she makes her music. Intrigued me. I have two of her songs already, Venus As A Boy (it's in the movie The Professional) and Army Of Me (in the movie Sucker Punch).

Tomorrow should be better. Hopefully. No work, unless I get called in, and it's payday. While most of my earnings are claimed, still gonna get someone to go with me somewhere for food, drinks, fun. A night out, a.k.a. sit at home sans a +1 and do very little. But there's always Facebook, which shows me others experiencing what I cannot seem to accomplish. That's always... fun. But, the "Hide" option is my friend, so...

Yzma kitty = favorite Disney character ever.

An attempt at humor today was perceived as female craziness. Also... fun.

Just a crappy night. Recently, due to increasing fuzzy headedness and an infection I can't seem to not get, I decided to lay off the vice I major in. That decision has since been overturned.

My favorite Radiohead song is a change from their usual slower, mellow material. I love 15 Step. Yes, I heard it at the end of the first Twilight movie, but I'm unashamed to say I believe their Twilight and New Moon soundtracks to be excellent. The movies however... don't get me started. Anyway, 15 Step has an interesting beat that I really like. The upbeat is a nice change from their usual tone. Not that I'm dissing their style. I also really like Knives Out, Creep, Karma Police, Paranoid Android, and Subterranean Homesick Alien... especially Knives Out.

My favorite album right now is What Did You Expect by The Vaccines. I follow Rolling Stone (magazine) on facebook, and they posted something about the band one day. It may have been their anniversary, or something about a new album, I can't remember. But one thing led to another, and now they're a favorite, and my first choice to listen to when at work. Followed by Volbeat. While they don't really have the same sound (Vaccines - punk rock, Volbeat - heavy metal) they are similar in volume... and close together in my artist list ;)

I love discovering new music. I love that most of what I love isn't well known. Makes it more mine. More often than not, it doesn't automatically click with me. I listen to it, think "hmm. It's okay." Then listen to stuff I know and like. Next day, same thing. Stop listening to it for a while, then go back, and remember some of the tunes. That's the hook. That's how I got into I Am Kloot's self titled album. Get it, lose it, go back and be fairly familiar with it, want to listen more.

"It's a formula but it bloody works!"

Ah Dana Carvey.

Can't say why I like Marilyn Manson's music, but I do. Just adds to my range, I guess. Maybe his gravelly voice. Added to the music he sets his lyrics to. But I think he has right formula of vocals, rhythm, and lyrics to draw people. He's artistic, in his own way.

Alright, I'm done.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Oh look. It's the day before Thanksgiving. The annual grocery shopping rushes, raised ticket prices, and bad traffic. Just like every year before. Unless of course I'm the only one that saw it coming, and it just suddenly appeared for everyone else. Which could end up being unfortunate, if you have to forego something due to the raised expenses and last minute shopping for something everyone else is also buying. Because if it is unobtainable, well, disharmony can occur.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


It is very hazy tonight where I am. I walked through it to get to work and saw wisps of it kicked up by vehicles in which were people eager to get home from the day's work. The street lights, headlights, and stoplights all had halos around them and were less brilliant, but their glow had a circumference that made them abnormal, but interesting. At one point I looked up at a street light and saw wisps of haze illuminated by it, and they were moving so it resembled a galaxy, with the way the haze was circling around the lamp.

I look forward to snow. It's cold and can be dangerous, but I enjoy watching it. It falls so silently, and muffles the rest of the world.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Heavy Hasty Sonance, and Monster Trucks

My day off has consisted of grocery getting, gassing up, and cleaning. I feel rather productive. But what I was looking forward to most was spending time with my child. Lately I haven't seen him at all, other than in the early morning hours when he and my husband come pick me up from work.

Currently listening to "Hammer Smashed Face" by Cannibal Corpse. It's a lot of different tempos of heavy metal. And grunting. (It's featured in the first Ace Ventura movie.) I must say that I prefer Devildriver over them. However, I like Static-X even more. I can listen to their whole Machine album.

The first Resident Evil movie... its soundtrack introduced me to this type of music. After getting and listening to the soundtrack, I soon after also purchased Machine by Static-X, Hatefiles by Fear Factory, Adema's self-titled album, and Mutter by Rammstein.

I have yet to crowd surf. It's on my to-do list. Not sure if it's still a fad or not.

As I listen to speed metal, industrial metal, etc tonight, I'm sure I'll be into stuff like Ray LaMontagne, Elbow, and Zero 7 tomorrow. (The other end of the musical spectrum.)

I'll leave you with one of the greatest slow-motion scenes ever, from the movie I watched tonight, Rat Race.

He keeps trying to unlock the door... to the convertible...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Plated Pretties

Tonight I searched for potential Christmas gifts for others and fell in love with octopus stuff. has struck a chord.

Why octopus? Because this site makes the creature stylish. Like the earrings that cover the whole ear, and the ring that makes it look like there's a tiny cephalopod attached to your finger.

And they're kinda pirate-y.

The bracelet is nice too...

So... hi. I hope this odd blog finds you well.

As I see the strands of fiber on my head become gray at a faster rate, and as it takes longer for me to recover from a night of considerable drinking, I can't help but realize that I'm closer to my next decade of life than I thought.

I meant to type about a couple other things, but instead I'll take my leave.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Achy Affairs

If ever there was a night that warranted an after-work beer or three, it's definitely tonight. Worked for 11 hours, 3:30p-2:30a. And still barely got done. Now I'm home, tired, sweaty, and sore. And in a pair of hospital scrubs due to faulty trash bags and the improper disposal of a certain bodily fluid. But hopefully the overtime will be noticeable. Two and a half hours of time & 1/2. I think.

I dislike politics and what it does to people. Sure, share your thoughts on the candidates, why you like or dislike them, but don't judge others for not thinking the same way. Don't attack. I understand the Freedom of Speech as being able to express yourself, and also allowing others to as well. Not saying "this person (or way, or idea, etc) is absurd and anyone who thinks otherwise, just shut the f*#^ up." Yes, that's exercising the Freedom, but saying that others cannot.

Sorry. I had a lot on my mind tonight. And the thing that kept resurfacing, due to the election and all that went with it, was rather humorous. A scene from the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

"This is madness!"
"No, this is politics."

Need to see a DDS. My wisdom teeth are restricting my knowledge to "need relief. Can't chew. Ow."

I think I dented my kneecap tonight.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Ever wish you had someone that could keep up with you? That, at any given notice, would be at your side to go see a movie or go to a bar or something? That would give you the time you give them? That, instead of making plans after plans and never following through, would always be all in?

If not, you're either incredibly dull or incredibly lucky.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Post Octo-Blog

Last night was Halloween. I worked. And was almost completely musically unprepared for my evening of paid cleaning. All I had was The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. I used to have Nightmare Revisited, which is very very excellent, but I think what I wanted most was a version of "I Put A Spell On You." I had CCR's version, and I would have liked to have had Marilyn Manson's version, but the one I really wanted was the Better Midler version. Say what you will about the woman, she did that song fan-f'king-tastically in the movie Hocus Pocus.

Alright, so I'm acquiring the Manson version, along with Nightmare Revisited, but the one I really want is proving to be hard to get. Gaah.

Still listening to Volbeat. Quite drawn to them for some reason.

Munching on baby dill pickles. So yummy.

Need drink refill. Hold please.

Back. And... YES!! I got it!

Victory dance!

I now have the Bette Midler version. Although... the audio is sadly lacking... perhaps it requires the visual version to make it 110% great.

This is one of my most favorite Halloween movies, if not my favorite of all. Like I say about most things I love, it's the humor in it that makes it great. Like the "burning rain of death" scene.

And, of course, when the three sister witches are lured into the oven by the learn-to-speak-French tape, they eventually exit, after being baked, with the eldest (Bette) saying, "Hello. I want my book. Bonjour. Je veux mon livre."

Here's the great scene. My thought process is getting sluggish, so I'll take my leave.
(I think my mom positively identified the greatness contributor long ago... just watch the way Bette Midler works her hands during the whole scene.) And Kathy Najimy's random rabbit ears at 1:23.

"Dance, dance, dance, until you die! Ah hahahahaha!"

 Sad to see October end. It could have been so much better than it was.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pwning the Codes

So tonight at work we had a special "Environmental Services Skills Lab" (basically a "this is the way we mop the floor, mop the floor, mop the floor") type thing. One of the booths set up was a timed matching game, matching codes to their descriptions. Code Red = fire, Code Blue... well you know. Anyway, the lady running the booth said that the best time was by the new guy, at 1:16. When I heard this...
"Step Aside, Bitches."
(I couldn't find a proper neck cracking, limbering up gif, so this will do.)

I go up with the record being 1:16 and leave with the record to beat being :50. I did a jig. No lie. Then realized I wasn't the first cleaning person to do so.

Sadly, this was the highlight of my week so far. This and telling someone about it and making them laugh.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Live (v.)

As I poured myself a bowl of Frankenberry cereal this mor... aft... around noon, I came up with a title for a reaction gif that is circling the popular photo sites.

When you pour a bowl of cereal and then find out you have no milk...

It didn't happen to me, this time, but I'm familiar with the situation.

Alright, so... listening to music as I clean up around the house (because I cleaned an insane amount at work tonight... got through 12 chapters, er, rooms), I come across lyrics I particularly like. I like the type that are about making it count, living like each day is your last, etc...

Should we spend each day like it's the last day of our lives?
Yeah why not be a king for a day, I'll make you queen,
And see how long it shines.
Life ain't always what it seems
So grab it by the balls, and do your best before it leaves.

That reminds me, I still need to jump out of a plane.

Need to listen to Guy Garvey's latest episode. Keep forgetting. I'll get it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ordered a new hat the other day. (I'm a stocking cap person.)

I'm waiting patiently... can you tell?

I love gifs.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Clever Charasmatic F'kin Models

So that pumpkin I said I was going to carve... got carved. It was successful and I'm rather proud of it.
See what I mean about bringing a simple outline to life? The outline looks rather different, more like a psycho clown than this crazy fellow.

Unfortunately, it'll rot fast. The more intricate, the faster they decay.

Just started reading Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz, the 5th installment in his Odd Thomas series. I love the humor in the Odd books. Take this excerpt for instance:

First, I ate half of the delicious croissant, but only half. By this restraint, I proved to myself that in spite of the pressures and the turmoil to which I am uniquely subjected, I remain reliably disciplined. Then I ate the other half.

The secondary character, Annamaria, is frustratingly enigmatic. I wish I could be more like her. She says very little, and almost all of what she says is in riddles. But I like the way she explains herself. She says that similar to the way you can't look directly at the sun, less you'll get hurt, she gives answers that are vague and skirt around the issue, because the true answer is too damaging.

My almost four year old witnessed me carving Mr. Geuse two days ago, and is still getting into the silverware drawer for a knife - repeatedly - and trying to carve up the other two pumpkins we have. Once I wasn't paying attention, and suddenly heard "elp! Elp me!" Looked over and he now wants me to help with his discretion. Another time he (the quick little bugger he is) had gotten a knife, and seeing him go up to the pumpkin with it, I yell "NO!" and he sticks it into the pumpkin - up to the hilt - real fast. I don't know if I'm amused or frightened.

I had a thought tonight at work... has anyone ever carved a tangerine? It'd be like a mini pumpkin. And Google images found this for me:

I know they just carved pieces of the rind out and left the mesocarp, but I like it. It's clever.

Definitely my favorite month of the year, October.

(Why is it the 10th month when Octo means 8?)

(Oh. Damn Romans.)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Should Reach You Tomorrow

After seeing something that referred to an older Elbow song, called "Snooks (Progress Report)", I'm now suddenly very much loving their Cast of Thousands album, their second. Today I woke up with the chorus of Fugitive Motel in my head.

The other day I had the line "have a little faith in me, baby can't you see, you've got to talk to me" suddenly pop into my thoughts and attach to some part of my cerebrum. It's a line from an older Lee Ann Womack song. Kinda stuck with me (understandably).

Elbow is coming out with their "Definitive Album Box Set." This one's sights are now set on nothing else. I was recently asked what I want for Christmas, and I answered with "the final season of Monk" so I can finally see the end. As of this morning... err... yesterday morning... I will put that off even longer to get this fantastic collection to be mine. Especially since I now have fallen in love with another of their albums. My favorite band's entire current collection on vinyl... (happy shudder)...

Halloween is approaching. I found a pumpkin design that I really want to attempt. Also, I have my costume. Not sure if it's one I'm supposed to wear in public. But, definitely want to wear it.

Ok, so just traced the design off the computer screen. Easy enough. I know the actual carving won't be as simple, but I'm off to a good start. And I really want to try this, and will be thrilled if it works.

I could see myself going crazy with pumpkin carving. Finding images of characters I like and bringing them to life by way of flickering orange luminosity.

(By the way, it's not the pirate design from my last post.)

Many times I wish I were more original. Coming up with my own ideas and concepts rather than using what I see online. Now yes, I do have my own creativity, but it's all stuck in the knotted chaos that is my inner musing. Something I wish for more than all else is the ability to allow it to flow from that uppermost mechanism, through my dominant appendage, and onto whatever surface is present at the time.

Lately I've been focusing more on what's around me, rather than waiting for stuff from the outside to happen or show up. Going out of your way only works so many times, without being equated, before an imbalance takes over.

Cheers, loves.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ticky Tacky

Sorry about the gushing in the last post. But if I wasn't going on about something I really liked, it was going to be very negative.

The world seems very dead tonight. I worked and got off at midnight and saw very little activity, both around town and online. Rather odd for a Saturday night.

I'm listening to mellow music tonight. Flunk's version of "Blue Monday" from the Walking Tall soundtrack, "In The Waiting Line" and "Destiny" by Zero 7, "We Won't Run" by Sarah Blasko... I love the video to that last one. She reminds me of Lydia from the movie Beetlejuice.

I think that playing "I Wanna Grow Old With You" by Adam Sandler from the Wedding Singer soundtrack first off placed me in a mellow music mood for the rest of the night. Saw it first since it was near the top of my iTunes library.

Alright so a bit less mellow now. "The Saddest Song" by The Ataris. (Not the acoustic version.) Quite good.

Speaking of versions, I really really want to find "My Immortal" by Evanescence, with the full band.

Oh look. It's on iTunes. Never mind.

A lot of the music I like comes from shows I watch. Rescue Me and Smallville played a major part. Rescue Me had an interesting variety, including Snow Patrol, The Pogues, Dropkick Murphys, and Duffy. And the music they chose was incorporated really well into the episodes. Smallville was more about appealing to the teen/young adult audience. All-American Rejects, Remy Zero, Lifehouse, etc.

Listening to "Dirty Old Town" by The Pogues now, since I've mentioned them. This song is in the finale of Rescue Me. And, as I said, it definitely worked well in the episode.

"Fairytale of New York" is a favorite of mine by them. It's in the movie "PS, I Love You." Features Kirsty MacColl.

I have become distracted with Walk Off The Earth videos. I'd apologize, but I regret nothing.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Deep Warm Drunk

The other day I found two of the best things the internet could bring me. A beyond excellent video of Elbow playing the iTunes festival, AND... wait for it... internet radio broadcasts by my favorite singer and frontman, Guy Garvey. And they're current! Not years old.

My response?

Once I got over my initial speechless excitement, that is. He seems to focus this latest broadcast on the new season, autumn. He talks about how his cat chases the squirrels, to no avail, due to the bell he's put around its neck. And he thinks the movie Ray was horrible. Also, he (kinda) slams the harpsichord player in Van Morrison's "Cypress Avenue."

So damned frustrated. A new art gallery here in town is having another exhibit opening/after hours party this weekend. You know, my weekend to WORK. I saw pictures of their previous after hours party and it looks like something I would love. Beer and wine, art, live music... Now they're having another and I can't go. BAH.

I went on a killing spree today. It was kinda needed, with the fly and gnat population tripling (at least) that of my family. Did quite well, with a piece of mail as my weapon. Paper, not chain.

What's so great about the aforementioned video I found? 2:34-2:58. First off, the two ladies playing strings. The one that winks, and the other one with a fun smile... Then of course, Guy Garvey letting the audience sing a particular line and saying "with pleasure" immediately after. I melt every time. The musicians are obviously enjoying themselves. And Guy knows how to please.

It's mostly the "with pleasure" that gets me.

I realized tonight that Guy relaxes me, gets my mind out of the tangled web it's usually in. Other music I barely hear because my thoughts are louder. But when I put on Elbow, my thoughts turn to his voice and the music, and everything else is muted and dimmed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fabricating Salvation

Lost the rubber tip of my left earbud tonight, mid-shift. I wasn't happy. Got my Volbeat in, but not Interpol or Elbow. Oh well, fixed now. Something can be said for my previous suddenly malfunctioning earbuds - spare parts.

Ever get a split in your toe? In a crease on the bottom? I hate those. I have one now. And on the other foot, a callous or something. Along with a bothersome ankle. I'm rocking this on-your-feet-constantly job. And am likely quite a wobbly sight when I get home. Maybe I'll be recruited by the Ministry of Silly Walks.

...No? None of you are Monty Python fans? Alright fine. Some classic John Cleese you're missing out on.

Tired of soul sucking jobs. At a stall right now on what I want. Other than something that actually closes... for the weekend. The holiday. God, even just the evening. My current job and the one before it were both at places that were open 24/7.

Somebody get me out of here,
I'm tearing at myself.

Just rediscovered a song I heard quite a while ago... "She's Gonna Break Soon" by Less Than Jake. So I'm getting their Anthem album. The video to the song has Alexis Bledel in it, whose eyes I wish I had. Not literally... just saying they're quite pretty.

Ah Glitch Mob. I'm one to share lyrics of songs I really like, and Glitch Mob makes that extremely difficult because they're non lyrical. I love how they use some cadence in their music. Especially in Animus Vox.

If you're asking what a cadence is, here you go...
In jr high and high school, during marching band season, the cadence was always my favorite part. It's what you hear when the band is marching down the street but (other than the percussion) not playing. Unless of course they're just doing taps (rim shots) to keep people in step. We had the same cadence for several years, then got a new one at some point. I loved it.

Sorry, some band geek coming out. But I think that's one thing I was truly good at, and confident in... band. Music. Marching band, concert band, jazz band, pep band, brass quartet... I got to where I could look at another instrument's music and visually transpose it so I could play it in tune. Because it's not all the same. A trumpet's C is a French horn's F. (Both of which start the most basic of basic, the B♭ scale.) And as a French horn, I sat by the alto saxes. Whose basic note was a G... only one note above mine... easy peasy.

Alright. Kinda feel better now just by reviewing that.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Finally get to listen to music again tonight. I've been training a new employee this week, so couldn't get my fix. I've added two albums from The Vaccines that I plan to give ear to.

The other day I experienced a pair of $300 headphones. The Dr. Dre Beats headphones. I was expecting more for the amount of money the owner spent.

Yesterday off, work today, off next three days. Shoulda taken today off and had 5 in a row. Oh well.

I can't remember the last time I blogged during the day... if I ever have, that is. Pre-work rather than post.

Side note: Need to stop thinking that just because I would or wouldn't do something out of courtesy or prospect, doesn't mean other people would or wouldn't as well.

That is all.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let Me Move

After three days of no further bloodletting, I decided at work tonight that I'd pull another early morning, 90-minutes-between-work-and-clinical stunt. Go home, shower, grab my phleb folder, come back in... However, by the end of my shift I was dragging. Even that "hey, I've clocked out, no more work, wow, sudden energy boost!" juncture never showed. Just, ugh... me sluggish, go home... yawn yawn.

So as soon as I got home, opened the door, I see debris everywhere. Toys, clothes, dishes. Trash. By then I've resigned to not accomplishing what I'd hoped in the approaching early morning hours. A few more sticks, hopefully one or two heelsticks and blood cultures... Instead - laundry, debris pickup, and some of what you're reading now.

I want to finish. Need to finish. So close. Sidestep the "well then quit" I recently received and finish the program. Move on to whatever's next. Hopefully it's the beginning of better things.

My apologies for this not being an interesting post. But again... not making you read it. Just needed a bit of an outlet.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Glitchy Thrash

Blogging from me new laptop. Well, new to me. It's small. There are smaller, but this one's still small. Interesting story telling how it got to be in my possession, but I won't get into it.

For some reason the Spotify installer says it couldn't connect to the internet and the instant save here on my blog is also telling me it's not working. Hmm. Ah firewall. Grumble. Never mind... still not connecting. ARG.

I realized tonight why I haven't fallen in love with Elbow's new album, Dead In The Boot. It's because the frontman, Guy Garvey, doesn't put power into the album's songs like he did with The Seldom Seen Kid and Build A Rocket, Boys. Songs like Tower Crane Driver, One Day Like This, The Birds, and Open Arms all have him singing at the top of his lungs at some point. But this new album is just so quiet and mellow... Different.

Yes I know there was an error while trying to save my post. Thank you.

Some days I loathe technology. Just... work. Please.

So last night I acquired, and today I listened to, Volbeat. Their album entitled Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood. I had heard "Still Counting" by them and liked it... it amuses me. I like the beat as the song begins, and the first line (which is said a few times during the length of the song) says "Counting all the assholes in the room, I'm definitely not alone." I listened to the album in its entirety, and one song made me stop what I was doing. Volbeat is a heavy metal/thrash band.
What's thrash, you ask?
Anyway, they're heavy metal/thrash. And they covered what many probably call the epitome of country music. They made Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" into a heavy metal song. Not sure how I feel about it.

I really like the lead singer's voice. Something else caught me by surprise as I was listening. There is a live song on the album and he speaks to the crowd. I had incorrectly assumed, based on their songs, that they're American. Nope. Danish. From Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

Shout out to the ones that made it possible for this'n to have her own machine again. Many thanks and suggestive looks sent your way.

Friday, September 7, 2012

All In All

New pair of earphones today. Skullcandy brand, blue spoke. I'm just now testing them on my most recent iTunes purchase... the soundtrack to the movie The Faculty. I forgot how much I love Class of 99's version of Another Brick in the Wall (Pt 2). The scene during the football game when it's playing... friggen awesome. Robert Patrick... the T-1000 as the crazy football coach... I shall always love that movie. Also, Class of '99 did Another Brick in the Wall (Pt 1) as background music for the first part of the movie. I watched the movie several times when it came out, but never recognized the signature rhythm til later, after I had become well acquainted with Pink Floyd's music.
Listened to Godsmack's "Rocky Mountain Way" again today. I don't listen to that enough.

Found a stocking cap today... it's a very fitting stocking cap... I didn't get it because it costs more than the amount of years I've been alive... But I've decided that I'd rather resent the price than regret not getting it. So sometime in the next 14 hours, it'll be mine.

Besides, an occasional treat is nice. And holiday pay helps.

New earphones due to my recent pair suddenly acting up. I prefer the rubber tipped ones rather than the hard ones, like the iPod ones. More comfy. Anyway, I occasionally have to push one or both phones back into my ear or ears. Well, I did this last night to my left and it cut out completely. No warning at all. So I messed with the cords a bit, running two fingers down the entire length, and both sides worked again. But from then on, every time I pushed on the left phone, it cut out and I had to repeat the process. It was odd.

I said before that I can't get into any of Elbow's earlier stuff. That's a lie. I love "Any Day Now" from their Asleep in the Back album.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Would You?

My ipod now has a collection of over 8,000 songs. Just added Linkin Park's A Thousand Suns album, the Transformers 3 soundtrack, and Unfortunate Snort by Pinkly Smooth, which was a band made up of a couple members of Avenged Sevenfold. They broke apart after about a year.

My three day holiday weekend started about 35 minutes ago. I wish I had something extravagant planned, but I don't. Need money for that, and friends.

This week was rough. I didn't go to my last two clinicals. The first one, I just couldn't get myself to go. So burnt out... and with what the week was giving me, or not giving me, I was lacking in the shiny happy and the motivation. And the second, I wasn't in any condition to go. I had a particularly bad day, and was greeted at the door by my husband, with a drink. I had previously decided not to drink after work, to make the morning's wake up easier, but when it's made for you and there, waiting to be consumed... So I drank it. And then had another. Went to bed around 6, got up with my alarm at 8:30, hazily stumbled downstairs, and concluded that needles were a bad idea. Went back upstairs and returned to sleep.

^I like this gif.^

Enough bad! I shall now listen to Goodbye Horses, dancing to the song in my chair. Not the movie dance, thank you, just some swaying to the beat. But, here is Jay doing his dance. (I won't post a video with the whole scene, for censorship's sake.)

I love how... healthy... he looks in this. The actor, Jason Mewes, had major substance abuse problems in the past. I used to follow Kevin Smith's blog, and he told the whole story. There was some back and forth, clean then not, but I last I knew, Mewes was doing quite well. Ah yes, I see now that "as of April 28, 2012, Mewes had maintained his sobriety for 2 years and 31 days." Good for him.

Alright. That's it. Bye.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Fix Is In

First actions of August 27th, 2012... Get home from work (got off at midnight), get drink, watch some tv (an episode of Angel...)
Yeah that's the one. Anyway... Get a couple drinks in, play around a bit online, listening to iPod with newly remedied Californiacation album by Red Hot Chili Peppers (wasn't reading my last copy for some reason. I couldn't have that.) and then realize... come about a quarter til 2am... that my favorite band's newest album has now officially been released for almost 2 hours. And I don't have it. This will not do.

So I acquire. Copy, paste. Add. Feel a wide grin slowly spread across my face as I see the 13 tracks appear in my iTunes library. It's my passion... adding my favorite bands' newest material to my collection. I'm not guaranteeing I'll love it... I can't seem to appreciate 3 of their previous 5 albums as much as the other two... but the two that I love... I love enough to make them my favorite band.

Elbow is a British alternative (or Indie) rock band from the Manchester area. I first heard their music at the end of a Rescue Me episode and loved it. "Grounds For Divorce" at the end of episode 21 of season 5. Great song, great scene.

I have been wondering why I love the front man so much. Guy Garvey. Now, as I'm watching their performance at Manchester Cathedral from October of last year, I see that it's not only his voice, but the way he moves with the music. He seems to never stand up straight during singing, always bent over, swaying with the music. Watching him perform "The Birds," I loved the way he led the band and audience into the more electronic part of the song.

I must, must, must see them perform, live. Even if I have to go across the pond.

Alright, I couldn't find the Grounds For Divorce video from Rescue Me, so I'll instead end with something else. It's also from Rescue Me, and the "8 fingers" concept has stuck with me since. Good scene though, all around.