Monday, August 27, 2012

The Fix Is In

First actions of August 27th, 2012... Get home from work (got off at midnight), get drink, watch some tv (an episode of Angel...)
Yeah that's the one. Anyway... Get a couple drinks in, play around a bit online, listening to iPod with newly remedied Californiacation album by Red Hot Chili Peppers (wasn't reading my last copy for some reason. I couldn't have that.) and then realize... come about a quarter til 2am... that my favorite band's newest album has now officially been released for almost 2 hours. And I don't have it. This will not do.

So I acquire. Copy, paste. Add. Feel a wide grin slowly spread across my face as I see the 13 tracks appear in my iTunes library. It's my passion... adding my favorite bands' newest material to my collection. I'm not guaranteeing I'll love it... I can't seem to appreciate 3 of their previous 5 albums as much as the other two... but the two that I love... I love enough to make them my favorite band.

Elbow is a British alternative (or Indie) rock band from the Manchester area. I first heard their music at the end of a Rescue Me episode and loved it. "Grounds For Divorce" at the end of episode 21 of season 5. Great song, great scene.

I have been wondering why I love the front man so much. Guy Garvey. Now, as I'm watching their performance at Manchester Cathedral from October of last year, I see that it's not only his voice, but the way he moves with the music. He seems to never stand up straight during singing, always bent over, swaying with the music. Watching him perform "The Birds," I loved the way he led the band and audience into the more electronic part of the song.

I must, must, must see them perform, live. Even if I have to go across the pond.

Alright, I couldn't find the Grounds For Divorce video from Rescue Me, so I'll instead end with something else. It's also from Rescue Me, and the "8 fingers" concept has stuck with me since. Good scene though, all around.

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