Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pwning the Codes

So tonight at work we had a special "Environmental Services Skills Lab" (basically a "this is the way we mop the floor, mop the floor, mop the floor") type thing. One of the booths set up was a timed matching game, matching codes to their descriptions. Code Red = fire, Code Blue... well you know. Anyway, the lady running the booth said that the best time was by the new guy, at 1:16. When I heard this...
"Step Aside, Bitches."
(I couldn't find a proper neck cracking, limbering up gif, so this will do.)

I go up with the record being 1:16 and leave with the record to beat being :50. I did a jig. No lie. Then realized I wasn't the first cleaning person to do so.

Sadly, this was the highlight of my week so far. This and telling someone about it and making them laugh.

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