Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Achy Affairs

If ever there was a night that warranted an after-work beer or three, it's definitely tonight. Worked for 11 hours, 3:30p-2:30a. And still barely got done. Now I'm home, tired, sweaty, and sore. And in a pair of hospital scrubs due to faulty trash bags and the improper disposal of a certain bodily fluid. But hopefully the overtime will be noticeable. Two and a half hours of time & 1/2. I think.

I dislike politics and what it does to people. Sure, share your thoughts on the candidates, why you like or dislike them, but don't judge others for not thinking the same way. Don't attack. I understand the Freedom of Speech as being able to express yourself, and also allowing others to as well. Not saying "this person (or way, or idea, etc) is absurd and anyone who thinks otherwise, just shut the f*#^ up." Yes, that's exercising the Freedom, but saying that others cannot.

Sorry. I had a lot on my mind tonight. And the thing that kept resurfacing, due to the election and all that went with it, was rather humorous. A scene from the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

"This is madness!"
"No, this is politics."

Need to see a DDS. My wisdom teeth are restricting my knowledge to "need relief. Can't chew. Ow."

I think I dented my kneecap tonight.

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