Thursday, November 29, 2012


Rough transition back to my regular later shift tonight... I went in early and joined the first evening shift on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. Tonight, back to the "second" second shift. And... hello lousy night.

I get to work and hear "we need you back at this area. Like, permanently. We miss you..." meaning I'm picking up someone else's slack... which isn't happening when I get started an hour late due to a staff meeting and also double workload. Though being the better person (for once) at something should have made me feel better, it didn't tonight.

Getting some (erm, more like the discography of) Bjork music. I read up on her the other night, thank you wikipedia, and saw how independently she makes her music. Intrigued me. I have two of her songs already, Venus As A Boy (it's in the movie The Professional) and Army Of Me (in the movie Sucker Punch).

Tomorrow should be better. Hopefully. No work, unless I get called in, and it's payday. While most of my earnings are claimed, still gonna get someone to go with me somewhere for food, drinks, fun. A night out, a.k.a. sit at home sans a +1 and do very little. But there's always Facebook, which shows me others experiencing what I cannot seem to accomplish. That's always... fun. But, the "Hide" option is my friend, so...

Yzma kitty = favorite Disney character ever.

An attempt at humor today was perceived as female craziness. Also... fun.

Just a crappy night. Recently, due to increasing fuzzy headedness and an infection I can't seem to not get, I decided to lay off the vice I major in. That decision has since been overturned.

My favorite Radiohead song is a change from their usual slower, mellow material. I love 15 Step. Yes, I heard it at the end of the first Twilight movie, but I'm unashamed to say I believe their Twilight and New Moon soundtracks to be excellent. The movies however... don't get me started. Anyway, 15 Step has an interesting beat that I really like. The upbeat is a nice change from their usual tone. Not that I'm dissing their style. I also really like Knives Out, Creep, Karma Police, Paranoid Android, and Subterranean Homesick Alien... especially Knives Out.

My favorite album right now is What Did You Expect by The Vaccines. I follow Rolling Stone (magazine) on facebook, and they posted something about the band one day. It may have been their anniversary, or something about a new album, I can't remember. But one thing led to another, and now they're a favorite, and my first choice to listen to when at work. Followed by Volbeat. While they don't really have the same sound (Vaccines - punk rock, Volbeat - heavy metal) they are similar in volume... and close together in my artist list ;)

I love discovering new music. I love that most of what I love isn't well known. Makes it more mine. More often than not, it doesn't automatically click with me. I listen to it, think "hmm. It's okay." Then listen to stuff I know and like. Next day, same thing. Stop listening to it for a while, then go back, and remember some of the tunes. That's the hook. That's how I got into I Am Kloot's self titled album. Get it, lose it, go back and be fairly familiar with it, want to listen more.

"It's a formula but it bloody works!"

Ah Dana Carvey.

Can't say why I like Marilyn Manson's music, but I do. Just adds to my range, I guess. Maybe his gravelly voice. Added to the music he sets his lyrics to. But I think he has right formula of vocals, rhythm, and lyrics to draw people. He's artistic, in his own way.

Alright, I'm done.

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