Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Your Own Beliefs

I'm going to repost something I posted 2 years ago today. Because I still agree with these words.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Post of the Month, Apparently

As I feared, joining Tumblr has decreased my blogging on here even more than before. But there is some truly cool stuff there. I enjoy finding the posts that pique my interest, match my moods, and express my feelings. Things that I can reblog or post that show different angles of my personality. Music, pirates, drinking, comics, art, humor (certain types), and such. If you would like to check these angles out, I'm at the-seldom-seen-linds on Tumblr.

Thanksgiving is approaching. Looks like it'll be me, the kid, and the husband this year. Dunno if we've ever had it be just us three. I enjoy holiday get-togethers, but this may be nice too.

(Best one I could find... Not many good Thanksgiving pics out there that I could find.)

Two nights ago I decided it was time for me to take another trip. Not far, but far enough. Just get out of town for a day or two. So I started looking up musicians and comedians I enjoy - or would enjoy - seeing. Found one! A comedian I really enjoy, whom I've seen once before but would for sure see again, is doing a New Year's show. Looks like he'll actually be doing the countdown with his audience. How cool it that?

The frontman of my favorite band Elbow - Guy Garvey - recently put out a solo album. Gotta say I prefer the group's albums over his rather jazzy feel, but it's still good. If this is the music he feels, good on 'im for expressing it. I'd still see him on tour.

Stayed home from school today with the feverish kid. While I still have that anxiety when I'm absent - due to my last two employers being pretty strict and degrading - it felt good to have a break from a rough week. With the combination of having a substitute teacher and indoor (classroom) recess for three days, in a K-3 Cross-Cat class, I welcomed the day at home with the sick kid. Now I just have tomorrow - Friday - and then the weekend. Yesss. I can do this.

In case I don't post again this month, Happy Thanksgiving to the ones that read this and celebrate said holiday. Indulge. Enjoy. Then diet... ;)

(I know this holiday, along with a few others, is a bit controversial due to the truthfulness and reality of its story. But I still celebrate it and them, while I also acknowledge & respect those truths and realities.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bad Bondage

Hey there. Rough day today. Kinda wish I could talk/vent to someone but options are pretty nil. So, lucky you!

Ever been in a public setting, and your child throws a screaming, thrashing tantrum?
Ever been in a public setting, and your THREE children throw a screaming, thrashing tantrum?

Well, tell yourself this: "I HAVE AN ADVANTAGE.
I can physically remove my child(ren)."

Whereas someone in my position requires a special 12-hour course on how to handle a child.
A course that I - a paraeducator in a Special Ed classroom - have not had the opportunity to take.


Just a rough day. Usually it's 1 of the 8 that has this extreme of an issue. Today it was 3 of 8.

With a teacher who doesn't believe in discipline, and recently took away us paras' ability to apply it. 

Needless to say, I hit my two biggest vices (rum & music) as soon as I got home.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Farewell Ale

Today marks my 9th day working with elementary kids as a full-time paraeducator. It's physically and mentally exhausting, but after a beer or three, some tunes, and some time with my own kid... I'm ready for the next day.

There's something going around Facebook lately, where if you like someone's certain status or posted pic, you are given a comic book superhero to post as your cover photo or profile pic. After liking someone's photo of Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman (seriously, did I have a choice? No. I didn't. She is amazing as Selina Kyle.) I was given Spider-Woman. Who I didn't know much about. But I Googled her, and discovered that I liked her fairly recent redesigned look, with the yellow glasses rather than the mask.

On another note, very sad to hear of Wes Craven's passing. R.I.P. to the man who exchanged sound sleep for nightmares, for many of those who watched his movies. 

And I must add this next pic. Very nice "cameo" type pic. The janitor dressed as Freddy in the first Scream movie.
Hehe. Very nice.

Now I know he's known for more than Nightmare and Scream, but those are the ones I'm most familiar with. And prolly the most popular, as well. For good reason.

Adieu, good sir.

Also, one year I dressed up as Mrs. Freddy Krueger for Halloween. One of my favorite costumes ever.

That be it for now. Go watch a Wes Craven movie. Please.

Friday, July 31, 2015

This Bird You'll Never Change

I've been doing quite a bit of reading during these several months of at-home joblessness. The urban fantasy genre has really captured my attention. Especially the Alex Verus books by Benedict Jacka. British author, British setting. I've read all but one, and I'm waiting for the next one to come out (this August, I believe) so I can read them back-to-back. But until then, I'm occupying myself with other books. Like the Dresden Files. Just finished the 6th - Blood Rites - and now moving on to Dead Beat. (And I love the way Blood Rites ended, that very last line: "Why did you get the large breed puppy chow?")

Oh and lately there's also been a lot of SimCity play on my iPad. Whiskey Bend is thriving. So far.

My show Hannibal moved to Saturdays rather than Thursday a couple weeks ago. What's left of the show, anyway. (Got cancelled.) The episode before last... The whole Mason/Margot/Hannibal episode... I believe it was my favorite of this season so far. Several jaw-dropping moments. While still missing the important element that is Clarice Starling, it was pretty good.

I just realized that I quite like almost any movie scene that the song Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd is in.
#1 - Kingsmen: The Secret Service (the church scene)
#2 - Elizabethtown (the memorial service)
#3 - Forrest Gump (Jenny's scene)
#4 - The Devil's Rejects (end scene) (spoiler alert)

They are all done very well, in my opinion.

And can't forget Conan O'brien's last hosting of The Tonight Show. I still get emotional hearing what he says here. Still love this man.

I'm employed! Signed the contract this week. Just a few more things to tie up (benefits, security badge, etc) and I'll be ready for the teachers institute in a couple weeks. Woo!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Shows & Tunes, But Not Showtunes

Thursday nights are my tv nights. For now, anyway.

First up is Food Fighters, which is a cooking show I enjoy. It's different from the others. A "home chef" - an unknown man or woman who cooks at home - prepares 5 of his or her best dishes... Against 5 celebrated/accomplished/famous chefs cooking their version of the same dish. Each in a limited amount of time. And when their time is up, their food is taste-tested by 5 people who vote on which of the two dishes they liked best. It truly is enjoyable to watch.

Next is Wayward Pines. The mini-series adaptation of the Blake Crouch trilogy I recently read. While the tv show isn't quite following the books to a T, they are doing well enough to keep me interested and looking forward to the next episode.

And finally is Hannibal. Which, unfortunately, has been cancelled. They'll air the remaining episodes of Season 2, but unless another network picks it up, it's done for. As for this last episode... 1) I think that what was originally the Hannibal/Clarice/Krendler dinner - if done right - could have encompassed a whole episode. Or at least, much longer than the mere minutes - and that's being generous - that was shown in this week's installment. 2) Initial impression of Margot in this episode: I think I prefer her with her hair in the tight bun, but no matter because 3) The scene with her and Alana Bloom...!... First of all, Nice! Second - guess my invitation got lost in the mail... Or spammed, in this day and age... Either way, kinda feeling like I missed out.

My kid was supposed to be away at camp all week this week. He lasted about a day. We got a phone call saying he was feverish and not really eating. So we drove the 45 minutes to get him. The same 45 minutes to drop him off the night before. And then that very same 45 minutes to get back home. Ug. But, as is common knowledge, tis best to be home when one is feeling icky. While a tad inconvenient (we were in the middle of painting his room, and supper was seriously just done cooking when we received the call) I was and am very happy to have him back home and in our care.

I don't intend to have a gravestone after I pass, but if I were to have one, I know what I'd want inscribed on it.

I'll leave you with that thought.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Green With Environmental Invasion

I don't usually approve of reality shows on tv, but I do watch America's Got Talent. Not for the singers or the dancers - usually - but for the things in between. Like when a musician on stage attached cables to the BALCONY... and played them like a stringed instrument. Incredible. Tonight I saw something I hadn't seen before, though it was definitely due or overdue.
This guy gave us a taste of the silent film era. He was great. And I immediately recognized the song from Kill Bill Vol. 1, which didn't hurt matters.

Today reminded me of how dependent upon the internet I am. Service down all afternoon. And I hated it. Hated how disconnected I felt, and hated that I felt so disconnected. It shouldn't be that big of an impact, but unfortunately it is.

Lot of rain here lately. Which, apparently, is the equivalent of botanical steroids to our little garden. Good lord, I'm feeling less like its tender and more like its eventual nourishment. Just hope I get to enjoy some of the yummies beforehand.

Still getting through Kingdom Hearts II. Finally made it past a Pirates of the Caribbean boss, and it hasn't been too bad since. Trouble now is, I don't know where I need to go. Everywhere I currently go is a world I've been to previously. Now I'm not shown where to go next.
....Thank you online walk-thru's.

Finished reading a book this evening. The 4th in the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka. I'm hooked but I want to slow down because after the 5th installment, I'll have to start waiting for future novels. If I wait just a couple more months or so, I'll have 2 novels waiting for me.
Haven't decided what to read next.

Currently listening to The Glitch Mob. I haven't payed them much mind lately. Still love them, though. And I believe that I enjoy their Drink The Sea album a bit more than their fairly recent release, Love Death Immortality.

I think that's it for now. If you don't see anything from me for a while, or I start posting "Eat Cows Not Greens!"....you'll know that my garden vegetation took over.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Battle For Mowing Down Laptops

The season 3 premier of Hannibal was tonight. I watched, of course. Such a cliffhanger at the end of 2. They haven't revealed it yet, but I believe that 3 of the 4 people... left behind... will reappear in this season. Two of them just gotta. Seriously. Y'can't just get rid of Will & Jack. They're... Will & Jack. Any fans of the books know where I'm coming from. The other two characters, as far as I know, were created for the series. And one of them has been in previews for future episodes. The other, um, has not.

So today I realized that Tmblr for some reason wasn't allowing the "Post To Facebook" option, and therefore I decided to check out my settings from my laptop rather than my phone or iPad. Go to boot up my pal, and see "Boot Device Not Found"..... Well that's rather ominous.
Yeah, it's now in laptop heaven.
So mad. Hadn't backed up my music for a while (my fault, yes, but still frustrating) and had a couple years worth of awesome finds in my rotating backgrounds folder. Not saved elsewhere.
And while the loss of this stuff angers me the most, a close second is NOT KNOWING WHAT WENT WRONG. Admittedly, I could have treated my previous two laptops better. But this one, I coddled. Its screen broke when kept under the couch? Replaced screen and kept it in a safer spot! It kept overheating? Bought a cooling device! ...Maybe the constant overheating - even with the cooling device - has something to do with it.
At any rate, I have plans for this treacherous piece of refuse.

Once I find an efficient rooftop, I'm flinging that no-good double-crossing junkwad to the unforgiving pavement however many stories I can obtain below me.

"Oh I missed a spot
On my dirty thoughts
^I love these lyrics from "Pups To Dust" by Modest Mouse.^

Mowed our lawn for the first time today. Now let me explain... I've rented for 10 years now. Never been required to do lawncare. We live in a duplex and pay rent. So it's really our landlord's duty to mow. Well, my husband wanted to buy a mower and did, recently. He mowed two or three times, and now I did this fourth or so time. It's a pusher, not a rider, so more effort is required. But I enjoyed it. Put on my sneakers, some Queens of the Stone Age in the ears, hair tied back, sunglasses, and went to work. It was a workout, but I don't mind sweating when I'm actually doing something. I hate sweating while sitting & doing nothing. Especially indoors.

I've still been aching to write lately. Even have the name of my main character, but it's the plot/storyline that's important. And I don't quite have that. Feels like it's within reach, though, if I just try hard enough.

Garden continues to grow. Many blooms on the cherry tomato plant. It's obvious where the clusters will be. The cucumbers are sprouting more and more leaves. No vines yet. If they continue to flourish, next year will bring the addition of even more tomatoes and cucumbers, along with peppers for sure, and maybe lettuce or spinach, sweet corn, onions... I love living off of a garden. Plucking and eating sweet sun-warmed cherry tomatoes... Damn. Not much better than that. Making a dinner salad out of your backyard yield... So amazing.

I watched Four Rooms the other night. It's an earlier Tarantino movie. And I... loved it. It was panned by critics, which encourages my continued disregard for critics' opinions. I've seen Tim Roth in a few things (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are DeadReservoir DogsPulp FictionThe Incredible Hulk) but he never really held my attention like he did in Four Rooms. So amusing. Definitely my favorite role of his thus far.

Wow. Gotta post this.
This is great. At about 3:06 he begins a guitar solo that isn't so bad, but then at about 4:15 it just changes too much, for me anyway. But the first three minutes are excellent. And major kudos to the guy, he puts on really good show.

For those of you who don't know, this song - Battle Without Honor Or Humanity - IS FROM KILL BILL, NOT TRANSFORMERS.

O-Ren Ishii wore the song so much better than Bumblebee.

Unemployment diet today. Ramen lunch, homemade beef jerky and sunflower seeds otherwise.
And mowing of front & back lawn for workout.

That's all for now, kids.

"Steal. The government hates competition."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This Randomness Brought To You By...

Nothing like summer unemployment to bring on the needed diet.

Confession: I walk out my back door every day - sometimes more than once - to see my growing mini-garden.

Apparently the cat I've been shooing away... sometimes by throwing things like an empty 2-liter at it... belongs to the people living in the other half of this duplex.


Thunder! Guess I'm not going to bed anytime soon.

...I like thunderstorms.

Monday, May 25, 2015

About Novels, Music, Movies, and Summer

School's almost out. Kindergarten ends in 2 days for my child. Then about three months of... a lot of mother-son time. I need to come up with some stuff for us to do. Some projects. Cheap projects.

Listening to the Kill Bill Vol 1 soundtrack right now. I guess I don't have the Vol 2 music, which is unfortunate. "About Her" by Malcolm McLaren is a favorite. And it's on Vol 2. Though O-Ren Ishii's music on 1 is really good. "The Grand Duel" is kinda haunting but excellent. "Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" is partially played during her and the Bride's swordfight. Good beat.

Went with a friend and watched Age of Ultron for the second time yesterday. Well worth it. This time around, I recognized & appreciated Linda Cardellini instead of not realizing it was her til seeing her name in the end credits. (Can't believe I missed that.) This actress played the spunky Nurse Taggart for a few seasons of ER, and also was Velma in the live action Scooby-Doo movies. Always thought her and Ellen Page (Juno) could be sisters.
However, I failed to remember that Danny Elfman - whom I love - did the music for the movie. Had I remembered, I would've opened my ears more. Also, he didn't score the first Avengers film, so seeing him credited in Age of Ultron wasn't expected.

Finished the Wayward Pines novel trilogy today. Kept me interested, for sure. Also watched the first two episodes of the television adaptation. So far, keeping pretty close to the books. Hafta see how it goes. Really hope it's a miniseries, not a show with multiple seasons. That'd be best, for this trilogy. That's what they should've done with Under The Dome. But nooo...

Mmmmm there it is.
"My man's.... Got a heart... Like a rock, cast, in, the sea."
Love this song. Love the flow.

WOW... I just realized this is the Malcolm McLaren that managed the Sex Pistols! Big time fan of them. And second wow factor... This song samples an exerpt from a song by The Zombies. I knew those vocals sounded familiar.

Mmk, night.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Here I Be, Alive and Swell...Ish

As I expected (or maybe it just happened), joining Tumblr seems to've taken me away from blogging here. But, here I am again. And due to the length of my absence, and the compelling urge to compose, this may be a good chunk of typing.

First thing that comes to mind: Modest Mouse released a new album. Strangers to Ourselves is great, I can listen to the whole thing without skipping a single song. (Usually there's one I really don't like.) Tracks 2 and 10 are my favorite. "Lampshades On Fire" and "Wicked Campaign" are so great.

Still a substitute paraeducator. BUT, also still on the road to getting certified and being full-time. It's been a process, but I've stuck to it. Took the ACT WorkKeys test, passed, got a recommendation from a teacher I'd worked with, received my Teacher Assistant certificate in the mail a couple weeks ago, registered it last week to be reviewed, and received an email TODAY for what should be my final step in this quite lengthy process. And come August, BAM... Full-time job. It's looking like elementary school is the place for me. Haven't even tried the junior or senior high, but I went to the school that has grades 4-5-6 a few times and... rather disliked it. The preschool wasn't terrible, I could probably work there. But uh, they're more likely to be potty trained in elementary school.

Finished my Arkham Asylum game. (Though, when I finished, it said I was only 70-something percent done with the game, so I went back and found more Riddler trophies & stuff for awhile. Never got to 100% but oh well. And the final boss - the Joker - really wasn't difficult.) Now I'm on the next game, Arkham City, and I really dislike Ra's al Ghul. But, I do quite like that I occasionally play as Catwoman.

Been storming a lot here. No complaints. I'd looove to get another snapshot of lightning.

Went and saw Avengers: Age of Ultron recently. Enjoyed. I think the other movie that is a must-see for me this year is Jurassic World. Definitely going to see it. Ant-Man, San Andreas, and Terminator: Genisys would be good to see as well, but Jurassic World is at the top of my list. (Star Wars is apparently going to be seen on opening night at an IMAX theatre. Should prolly go get in line, um, now.)

Oh! I met Adam Ferrara about two weeks ago! It was a good time. I've actually watched quite a bit that he's in. Saw him first in Rescue Me, then started watching Top Gear, then his "Funny As Hell" stand-up comedy special, then went back and watched the show The Job, and his most recent show, Nurse Jackie.
Anyway, a friend and I drove about 4.5 hours to see him perform stand-up at an Improv comedy club. Afterward, he was at a table selling & signing his Funny As Hell dvds and allowing pictures. We missed him the first time, so stayed at the bar talking and waiting for him to get out of his second show. We were first in line that time around. Nice guy.

Took me about a month to get ahold of a movie I found out about and wanted to see. I wanted to see more David Carradine movies, and found The Golden Boys. Saw that it had him, Rip Torn, and Bruce Dern. As three sea captains. Figured there could be no wrong. Finally watched it last night, and I enjoyed. Easy to see why it's not a popular one, but I still enjoyed it.

Alright, I think that's pretty much it. Getting distracted with other stuff. Got all the important things covered.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Batty Cav's

I went to my first official dentist check-up in 10+ years the other day (only one cavity, on a wisdom tooth about to removed, score) and heard a song playing that I don't think many people know of. Not enough people, anyway. I started to hear it, and knew I recognized it, but couldn't place it for a few moments. It was "Sit Down By The Fire" by The Veils. I got into them when I watched Mr. Brooks. They have a great song towards the end, called "Vicious Traditions" which I highly recommend you listen to.

At any rate, I rarely hear their music anywhere, so it was a pleasure (and apparently a good omen) that I heard it in the dentist's office.

Started playing Batman: Arkham Asylum two days ago, at long last. I've wanted to play it forever, but never had a proper console, so I finally settled for a PC. I'm now 10% in, and face-to-face with Bane. It'll take me a few (more) times, but I'll get it. So far, every time I've been stuck somewhere, I've taken a break, done some research, tried again and moved on. (Knock on wood.) And while I'm making due with the PC controls, they're not the best. (P.S., Scarecrow is made even creepier with his Freddy Krueger-like syringe fingers.)

Been on a big Batman kick lately. Watching the Animated Series and the Dark Knight Returns (which is messed up... at least towards the end. Snapping the rest of his own... never mind. And Green Arrow's... never mind. Either you know what I'm talking about or you need to watch it), and finally playing Arkham Asylum.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ledxcellent Zeppelin

I must share this.

And you must watch this.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Schooled by CruZumba!

Guess I forgot to blog that I started my new job as a substitute ParaEducator. I subbed for a full day at one school, directly followed by a half day at another, two weeks ago. Then got sick with a cold I couldn't shake for almost 2 weeks. Phlegm, sore throat, coughing, stuffy/runny nose, no voice, couldn't breathe... Also some major tooth aching, which may be attributed to the sinus pressure. (Dentist diagnosed no cavities or gum infections.)

I think my liver was quite confused for a while. "Dayquil? Acetaminophen? Wine? NyQuil? Rum? Ibuprophen? Aaagghh!"

(All within their limits and not mixed dangerously. During the tooth aching, I just wanted sleep without being woken up with pain. Wasn't sure if I wanted to drug or drunken myself.)

Alright, so, I've been catching up on Chicago Fire, and I recently saw something I consider to be one of the best things ever aired. Now bear with me here, I'll try to give you the proper background. The girl you first see is the new paramedic on the show, new to the Chicago area, and looking for a Zumba class to join. As you see, she finds this one. HE is a firefighter from the same house she works in. Obviously, as you watch, no one from the house knows about his zumba-ing. But I love their reactions upon seeing each other, especially his. Here's the vid:

I wasn't able to actually post the video, but please watch it via the above link. So worth it.

There is also a follow up link, because you can't expect people in this firehouse to keep a secret. This is the second part, which definitely makes the whole thing worthwhile. Please, please watch.

Right? So great. There is also an additional behind-the-scenes video where the crew gets out there on the floor and participates. Greatness. I'd so do Zumba with Cruz as my instructor.

At any rate, been thinking about taking up Zumba, Cruz or no Cruz. Weight loss isn't happening, so different actions need to be taken. And Zumba looks and sounds fun.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dracula Untold

Watched Dracula Untold recently. I wanted to see it while it was in theaters, but that didn't happen. (I even said while watching, "this woulda been great in theaters.") So I did the next best thing, watched it with a friend who also wanted to watch it. And it was good. I enjoyed. In my opinion, their storyline worked, and Luke Evans as the the main character definitely did justice. And I'm not an "omg!" girl, but... yeah... I have a weird thing for Charles Dance. And him in this movie... yeah... Effective, definitely. Actually, while watching, I said "That looks like Charles Dance." "Who?" "The guy in Last Action Hero, Alien 3 and Underworld: Awakening." And my friend recognized him from Game of Thrones.

All in all, I do recommend this movie. It's one I'll watch again.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bored Girl with the Music Enthusiasm

This weekend was such a bust. Last night - Friday - was boring as crap and tonight hasn't been much better. Puts one in a rather lousy mood.

Tonight's mid-winter fire pit couldn't even burn away this aura of lifelessness.

Oh. I finished Saint Odd earlier today. It was good. A bit anti-climactic, but still pleasing. There were tears at one point. Now I'll continue with the Saga of the Noble Dead. On to book 3, which will be the first non-digital book I've read in a while. (My husband has it in paperback.)

Listening to Tegan and Sara, a somewhat recent interest. Love their So Jealous album. They're twins, and something about them reminds me of the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Noomi Rapace. Maybe their facial bone structure. And the hair. Eyes? Something.

See what you think...

Blah. Need out of here.

I'm watching Vigo sit inside my husband's lunch cooler, chewing on the outside zipper. I should stop him.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015


No work now for about a month and two days. And lovin' it. (Cept for going stir-crazy every so often.)

The last of the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz came out yesterday. I finished the book I was previously reading today and immediately started Saint Odd. Second book on the iPad I got for Christmas! The first was Thief of Lives, the second of the Noble Dead series, which I'm enjoying so far. I'll return to it after Odd's adventures come to an end.

That's pretty much all I got fer now. Til next time.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cuddly Scourge

Feel like I'm getting back on track with things. I received something in the mail yesterday alerting me to the test I need to take to be a certified para-educator. Registration and payment are due at the end of the month.

Not that I lost my way, it just seemed to be easier to map things out while I was unhappily employed. Now that I'm at home and happier, there seems to be less pressure to reach those goals. But, still wholly planning on doing it. I expected a hiatus, and that's what I'm experiencing. And - hopefully - it's nearing its end. I hope to be seeing the beginning of my next adventyuh!

You burn too bright
You live too fast
This can't go on too long
You're a tragedy starting to happen.

^These lyrics are caught my attention tonight, even though I've heard them numerous times.

So, my father and his wife gave us a cat for Christmas. They didn't really plan to, it just kinda happened while I was there visiting. He's more of a kitten, maybe a couple months old, almost completely white except for a few dark hairs on the top of his head.

After a few days, I finally came up with the name Vigo for him, due to the child's love of the movie Ghostbusters II. And yeah, I call him Veegz just as often as I call him Vigo. And my husband is always adding "The Scourge of Carpathia!" to his name.

Annnd, I just remembered I made this meme several months ago...

Hehehe... Aahh yes. The name is more fitting than I ever knew. Excellent.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Trying Something Different

Today I finally gave in and created a Tumblr account. I refrained til now because I was afraid it would take away from this blog. But, it looked fun. So... I caved. I've had Pirate's Log for over 5 years and while there may be a reader or two, there's never been a single official follower or comment. I do still mean to maintain this one as well, but we'll see how it goes.

All the best. (Well, not all of it... I need some.)