Thursday, November 19, 2015

Post of the Month, Apparently

As I feared, joining Tumblr has decreased my blogging on here even more than before. But there is some truly cool stuff there. I enjoy finding the posts that pique my interest, match my moods, and express my feelings. Things that I can reblog or post that show different angles of my personality. Music, pirates, drinking, comics, art, humor (certain types), and such. If you would like to check these angles out, I'm at the-seldom-seen-linds on Tumblr.

Thanksgiving is approaching. Looks like it'll be me, the kid, and the husband this year. Dunno if we've ever had it be just us three. I enjoy holiday get-togethers, but this may be nice too.

(Best one I could find... Not many good Thanksgiving pics out there that I could find.)

Two nights ago I decided it was time for me to take another trip. Not far, but far enough. Just get out of town for a day or two. So I started looking up musicians and comedians I enjoy - or would enjoy - seeing. Found one! A comedian I really enjoy, whom I've seen once before but would for sure see again, is doing a New Year's show. Looks like he'll actually be doing the countdown with his audience. How cool it that?

The frontman of my favorite band Elbow - Guy Garvey - recently put out a solo album. Gotta say I prefer the group's albums over his rather jazzy feel, but it's still good. If this is the music he feels, good on 'im for expressing it. I'd still see him on tour.

Stayed home from school today with the feverish kid. While I still have that anxiety when I'm absent - due to my last two employers being pretty strict and degrading - it felt good to have a break from a rough week. With the combination of having a substitute teacher and indoor (classroom) recess for three days, in a K-3 Cross-Cat class, I welcomed the day at home with the sick kid. Now I just have tomorrow - Friday - and then the weekend. Yesss. I can do this.

In case I don't post again this month, Happy Thanksgiving to the ones that read this and celebrate said holiday. Indulge. Enjoy. Then diet... ;)

(I know this holiday, along with a few others, is a bit controversial due to the truthfulness and reality of its story. But I still celebrate it and them, while I also acknowledge & respect those truths and realities.)

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