Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bad Bondage

Hey there. Rough day today. Kinda wish I could talk/vent to someone but options are pretty nil. So, lucky you!

Ever been in a public setting, and your child throws a screaming, thrashing tantrum?
Ever been in a public setting, and your THREE children throw a screaming, thrashing tantrum?

Well, tell yourself this: "I HAVE AN ADVANTAGE.
I can physically remove my child(ren)."

Whereas someone in my position requires a special 12-hour course on how to handle a child.
A course that I - a paraeducator in a Special Ed classroom - have not had the opportunity to take.


Just a rough day. Usually it's 1 of the 8 that has this extreme of an issue. Today it was 3 of 8.

With a teacher who doesn't believe in discipline, and recently took away us paras' ability to apply it. 

Needless to say, I hit my two biggest vices (rum & music) as soon as I got home.

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