Friday, June 5, 2015

Battle For Mowing Down Laptops

The season 3 premier of Hannibal was tonight. I watched, of course. Such a cliffhanger at the end of 2. They haven't revealed it yet, but I believe that 3 of the 4 people... left behind... will reappear in this season. Two of them just gotta. Seriously. Y'can't just get rid of Will & Jack. They're... Will & Jack. Any fans of the books know where I'm coming from. The other two characters, as far as I know, were created for the series. And one of them has been in previews for future episodes. The other, um, has not.

So today I realized that Tmblr for some reason wasn't allowing the "Post To Facebook" option, and therefore I decided to check out my settings from my laptop rather than my phone or iPad. Go to boot up my pal, and see "Boot Device Not Found"..... Well that's rather ominous.
Yeah, it's now in laptop heaven.
So mad. Hadn't backed up my music for a while (my fault, yes, but still frustrating) and had a couple years worth of awesome finds in my rotating backgrounds folder. Not saved elsewhere.
And while the loss of this stuff angers me the most, a close second is NOT KNOWING WHAT WENT WRONG. Admittedly, I could have treated my previous two laptops better. But this one, I coddled. Its screen broke when kept under the couch? Replaced screen and kept it in a safer spot! It kept overheating? Bought a cooling device! ...Maybe the constant overheating - even with the cooling device - has something to do with it.
At any rate, I have plans for this treacherous piece of refuse.

Once I find an efficient rooftop, I'm flinging that no-good double-crossing junkwad to the unforgiving pavement however many stories I can obtain below me.

"Oh I missed a spot
On my dirty thoughts
^I love these lyrics from "Pups To Dust" by Modest Mouse.^

Mowed our lawn for the first time today. Now let me explain... I've rented for 10 years now. Never been required to do lawncare. We live in a duplex and pay rent. So it's really our landlord's duty to mow. Well, my husband wanted to buy a mower and did, recently. He mowed two or three times, and now I did this fourth or so time. It's a pusher, not a rider, so more effort is required. But I enjoyed it. Put on my sneakers, some Queens of the Stone Age in the ears, hair tied back, sunglasses, and went to work. It was a workout, but I don't mind sweating when I'm actually doing something. I hate sweating while sitting & doing nothing. Especially indoors.

I've still been aching to write lately. Even have the name of my main character, but it's the plot/storyline that's important. And I don't quite have that. Feels like it's within reach, though, if I just try hard enough.

Garden continues to grow. Many blooms on the cherry tomato plant. It's obvious where the clusters will be. The cucumbers are sprouting more and more leaves. No vines yet. If they continue to flourish, next year will bring the addition of even more tomatoes and cucumbers, along with peppers for sure, and maybe lettuce or spinach, sweet corn, onions... I love living off of a garden. Plucking and eating sweet sun-warmed cherry tomatoes... Damn. Not much better than that. Making a dinner salad out of your backyard yield... So amazing.

I watched Four Rooms the other night. It's an earlier Tarantino movie. And I... loved it. It was panned by critics, which encourages my continued disregard for critics' opinions. I've seen Tim Roth in a few things (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are DeadReservoir DogsPulp FictionThe Incredible Hulk) but he never really held my attention like he did in Four Rooms. So amusing. Definitely my favorite role of his thus far.

Wow. Gotta post this.
This is great. At about 3:06 he begins a guitar solo that isn't so bad, but then at about 4:15 it just changes too much, for me anyway. But the first three minutes are excellent. And major kudos to the guy, he puts on really good show.

For those of you who don't know, this song - Battle Without Honor Or Humanity - IS FROM KILL BILL, NOT TRANSFORMERS.

O-Ren Ishii wore the song so much better than Bumblebee.

Unemployment diet today. Ramen lunch, homemade beef jerky and sunflower seeds otherwise.
And mowing of front & back lawn for workout.

That's all for now, kids.

"Steal. The government hates competition."

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