Friday, July 31, 2015

This Bird You'll Never Change

I've been doing quite a bit of reading during these several months of at-home joblessness. The urban fantasy genre has really captured my attention. Especially the Alex Verus books by Benedict Jacka. British author, British setting. I've read all but one, and I'm waiting for the next one to come out (this August, I believe) so I can read them back-to-back. But until then, I'm occupying myself with other books. Like the Dresden Files. Just finished the 6th - Blood Rites - and now moving on to Dead Beat. (And I love the way Blood Rites ended, that very last line: "Why did you get the large breed puppy chow?")

Oh and lately there's also been a lot of SimCity play on my iPad. Whiskey Bend is thriving. So far.

My show Hannibal moved to Saturdays rather than Thursday a couple weeks ago. What's left of the show, anyway. (Got cancelled.) The episode before last... The whole Mason/Margot/Hannibal episode... I believe it was my favorite of this season so far. Several jaw-dropping moments. While still missing the important element that is Clarice Starling, it was pretty good.

I just realized that I quite like almost any movie scene that the song Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd is in.
#1 - Kingsmen: The Secret Service (the church scene)
#2 - Elizabethtown (the memorial service)
#3 - Forrest Gump (Jenny's scene)
#4 - The Devil's Rejects (end scene) (spoiler alert)

They are all done very well, in my opinion.

And can't forget Conan O'brien's last hosting of The Tonight Show. I still get emotional hearing what he says here. Still love this man.

I'm employed! Signed the contract this week. Just a few more things to tie up (benefits, security badge, etc) and I'll be ready for the teachers institute in a couple weeks. Woo!

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