Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cheesy Anger

Having a beer or four after a Saturday night at work. As I think of ways to describe my imbibing, I come up with this...

 ...and consider looking up the many many scenes from the Drew Carey Show involving beer. But I won't.

If you don't have one, invest in a bottle opener key chain. You will either use it often or be liked a greater deal more than you are now.

I had stuff to write about. Apparently it's all still at work.
Next night. Doing things a bit differently this time due to lack of things to say. (And passing out due to exhaustion and consumption of less than two beers.)

So I digress about making themed playlists, right? Fire/burning, voyeurism, etc... My latest idea is a "tough guy" theme. With Metallica of course. "Shoot Me Again" is my favorite song of theirs and spawned this particular idea. Next song would be "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us" by Sparks. It's a work in progress. Or a "pissed off" playlist.

I heard a favorite on the radio today that I hadn't heard in a while. "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward. Immediately pumped up the volume. It's very worthy of blown speakers.

You may assume I'm a big fan of Metallica now. Quite the opposite. Their music is way overplayed on the radio so I got tired of them. I liked their St Anger album when it came out, and it remains my favorite of theirs.

However, one thing I have always thought about... If there's ever a cinematic movie about Metallica, I would very much want to see Ron Pearlman play James Hetfield.

I was asked last week to switch days, to have Sunday off and work Monday as opposed to vice versa. I agreed, not only to help with whyever (yes, whyever) she needed this to occur, but because I though it might be awesome to have this day off. Turns out it's nothing special and now I'm stuck with working five days before I get another day off. Five days is nothing you say, just a regular work week, and I agree, but it seems very long when you're used to working 4 at the most... and those four are long as it is.

Today is Canada Day. In respect of that, I'll post a picture of the food I'm now obsessed with. I have never had it, but want it badly. It's called poutine. French fries smothered in brown gravy and cheese curds. Horrible for you? Most definitely. Delicious? I'm almost positive it is. Come on... brown gravy with anything and your mouth waters, right? But with french fries, which is an altered version of how potatoes are usually served with gravy. And CHEESE! No need to explain the cheese.

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