Monday, July 30, 2012

Gerdbye Jooleye

Yay, just bought Godsmack's version of Rocky Mountain Way from iTunes. I probably could have found a way to not pay for it, but patience isn't my companion in this state.

What state? The rum state.

So tonight I decided to smoke a cigar (a common thing for this one) outside along with having a drink and listening to my ipod. There was no cutter around that I could find so independent and resilient me bit off the end of the cigar before lighting it. And then was spitting out bits of cigar during the first half of smoking it. But was still satisfied.

I may be writing a lot the next few weeks.

I typed of Glitch Mob before... Listening to their Drink the Sea album, I must say my favorite songs are track 2 (Bad Wings) and track 10 (Starve the Ego, Feed the Soul).

Ah, this blogger went yard saling this past weekend. Her first finds were picture worthy. Here you go...

The little guy on the top left of the shirt is my prized find. Mo from Wall-E. He is now my travel buddy. Left him in my car to be with me everywhere I go.

Tired. Long week ahead. Au revoir, les lecteurs. Pour l'instant.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Medlennyj Yad

t.A.T.u. tonight. Awesome duo. Just cracked open beer #3. German beer, Russian music.

I added a blog description. It didn't turn out the way I hoped. Wish it was versed, like poetry is supposed to be. Oh well. Those familiar with poetry should be able to understand it.

I used to be way into poetry. (Way may be understating it.) I started in jr. high, writing random poems. Then I got into Whose Line is it Anyway, and I started writing 4-versed Hoedowns about various topics.

In case you haven't watched Whose Line (shame on you, SHAME), here's a Hoedown.
This one's pretty funny. Wayne unknowingly uses Drew's idea, then Drew does the same to Ryan. And the reference to Wayne having a ticklish bum is a reference from earlier in the episode. I haven't seen this ep in years but yes, I still remember that. Maybe I'm not completely losing it. (Long grim story.)

Stephen Lynch is one of my top 5 favorite comedians.

Yesterday I logged into my Pandora internet radio account and listened to my Daft Punk station. In case you're not familiar, Pandora takes an artist you like and plays their music along with music similar to theirs. Thanks to that, I have added 3 more albums to my collection. First was Deadmau5 (pronounced Dead Mouse), which didn't turn out the way I expected. Their "Moar Ghosts N Stuff" song sounded a lot like Daft Punk (who did the music for the Tron: Legacy movie) but nothing else on the album really clicked. However, The Glitch Mob was the complete opposite. I can listed to their whole "Drink the Sea" album. Their single "Fortune Days" got me hooked. And the third album is "Don't Think" by The Chemical Brothers. I haven't listened to it yet, but I know I like them from their music on the Tomb Raider and Gone in 60 Seconds soundtracks.

Ooohh, I just found out that The Glitch Mob did a remix of The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" song. Take a listen, it's not too bad...

And here's "Fortune Days."

Alright, I'm done now. Go do something else.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Another Brick in the Ode

Second day of Phlebotomy class earlier today. Yesterday I seemed a bit more my regular self. A bit more enthusiastic about things. Not 100% me, but not the completely placid, uncaring person I've been lately for some reason.

Listened to some of my new music yesterday as well. Kimbra and Depeche Mode. Kimbra was ok, not really what I expected. She is the woman in Gotye's "Somebody I Used To Know" song. However, Depeche Mode... I recently heard their song "Precious" and immediately loved it. Got the whole album it's on (Playing The Angel) and it's pretty good. It's not recent, but it's not old either.

I should be more tired than I am. Went to bed at 5am, woke up at 10, was busy til.. now. 3am. But here I am. With a tasty bloody mary and another excruciatingly long class tomorrow.

Going over stuff I've already gone over, due to already being an employee there, makes me want to say "Do I really have to be here? Tell me when it gets interesting, I'll come back."

Alright, so the other aritst/album I added to my collection and listened to is Trans Siberian Orchestra's "Beethoven's Last Night." It is excellent. Now, I did have to follow the wikipedia article about the album to be able to better understand the music, but it's put together wonderfully, and they made a fantastic fictional story about the deaf composer.

I love the story of Beethoven. Gary Oldman may have contributed to that, but only by portraying him better than any other actor could have. Him being deaf, his frustration. Making masterpieces. His mysterious secret love.

Two of my favorite scenes in Immortal Beloved are the Moonlight Sonata scene, where he lays his head on the piano to feel rather than hear the music, and the Ode To Joy scene at the end. Ode To Joy is powerful, full of crescendos and excitement, and it shows the orchestra playing it, then it shows him standing in front of them... in silence. Unable to hear his own music. According to some accounts, "there is a well-attested story that, at the end of the premiere of his Ninth Symphony, he had to be turned around to see the tumultuous applause of the audience; hearing nothing, he wept."

Yawning is now at a 30-second interval. I must bid adieu. So adieu.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Rocky Mountain Dew

Tonight's shift at work was interesting. Got started an hour late due to change ups and obstacles. But still got done. Did my old area, the one I can do in my sleep. And probably have.

In four days time I will have begun my phlebotomy classes. Seeing the textbooks in an office I cleaned made things a bit more realistic. And being in the lab tonight, I had two or three ladies talking to me about it. Even though I'm never in that area anymore, they knew I'd gotten accepted into the classes and was about to start, and were wishing me luck. It was kinda nice.

While cleaning the ER tonight, there was a trash can with several soda bottles. I would like to thank the ER staff for throwing away their Mountain Dew bottles with caps intact, allowing me to remove them and enter their codes in the Dark Knight Rises sweepstakes. I usually don't give a damn about bottle caps, unless they say "free 20oz bottle Pepsi or Dew" but I'm actually doing this Dark Knight Rises thing. Entering for both advance screening tickets and an XBOX 360. So far, 4 entrees for each.

So recently (in the past few months that is) I have heard a remake of "Man of Constant Sorrow" and one of "Rocky Mountain Way." The former.. ah.. sucked. Shoulda left it with the Soggy Bottom Boys. However... sorry Joe Walsh... I love the new Rocky Mountain Way, by Godsmack. Somehow they blended Walsh with heavy metal and succeeded. In my eyes, er ears, anyway.

And now comes the time where I leave you with videos you won't watch. But should.

Tonight's selection comes from my love of James Marsters.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

When She's Drinking, She's Drowning Some Riot

Pirate DRINK! Sorry, I don't turn huge and green when I get angry, I.. well.. I drink. Rum, of course. Also, listening to "Some Riot" by Elbow. I don't even know what I'm mad for. Or at. Much hatred. I hate that the things that would make me happy are unreachable, and that I have been unintentionally depending on people to provide some happiness in my life. When something interferes, you blame them and create problems and distress. No good.

I'm a traveler. I love seeing new things. If I had a superpower, it would be teleportation. I'd go to a secluded tropical beach daily (not very original, I know, but just wait), and the highest points in major cities, such as the Space Needle in Seattle, the CN Tower in Toronto, Eureka Tower in Melbourne... Sit on the topmost part of the Arch in St Louis... Yeah I would do that. I'd see the northern lights, sit upon Devil's Tower, sneak into a taping of Letterman.

A career in music is desired. Sharing my music with others. Again, not going to happen. Though I may attempt to follow my desire to launch my own internet radio station. There are many out there, why shouldn't I be able to handle doing one on my own?

So, conclusion: more self-reliant, less needy and greedy.

Sorry this post is so self-involved, but it was needed. Besides, you don't have to read it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cheesy Anger

Having a beer or four after a Saturday night at work. As I think of ways to describe my imbibing, I come up with this...

 ...and consider looking up the many many scenes from the Drew Carey Show involving beer. But I won't.

If you don't have one, invest in a bottle opener key chain. You will either use it often or be liked a greater deal more than you are now.

I had stuff to write about. Apparently it's all still at work.
Next night. Doing things a bit differently this time due to lack of things to say. (And passing out due to exhaustion and consumption of less than two beers.)

So I digress about making themed playlists, right? Fire/burning, voyeurism, etc... My latest idea is a "tough guy" theme. With Metallica of course. "Shoot Me Again" is my favorite song of theirs and spawned this particular idea. Next song would be "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us" by Sparks. It's a work in progress. Or a "pissed off" playlist.

I heard a favorite on the radio today that I hadn't heard in a while. "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward. Immediately pumped up the volume. It's very worthy of blown speakers.

You may assume I'm a big fan of Metallica now. Quite the opposite. Their music is way overplayed on the radio so I got tired of them. I liked their St Anger album when it came out, and it remains my favorite of theirs.

However, one thing I have always thought about... If there's ever a cinematic movie about Metallica, I would very much want to see Ron Pearlman play James Hetfield.

I was asked last week to switch days, to have Sunday off and work Monday as opposed to vice versa. I agreed, not only to help with whyever (yes, whyever) she needed this to occur, but because I though it might be awesome to have this day off. Turns out it's nothing special and now I'm stuck with working five days before I get another day off. Five days is nothing you say, just a regular work week, and I agree, but it seems very long when you're used to working 4 at the most... and those four are long as it is.

Today is Canada Day. In respect of that, I'll post a picture of the food I'm now obsessed with. I have never had it, but want it badly. It's called poutine. French fries smothered in brown gravy and cheese curds. Horrible for you? Most definitely. Delicious? I'm almost positive it is. Come on... brown gravy with anything and your mouth waters, right? But with french fries, which is an altered version of how potatoes are usually served with gravy. And CHEESE! No need to explain the cheese.