Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Piratism and Relation Extentions

Today I watched an adaptation of Treasure Island. Made last year (2012) by British television, it has Eddie Izzard, Donald Sutherland, and Elijah Wood in it (they're the ones most recognized, anyway). While this adaptation of the story has gotten bashed, I enjoyed it. Some of the characters did seem a bit shallow, I admit, but the 2-part miniseries was still worth the watch. I really liked Izzard's portrayal of Long John Silver.

But my issue is this: PUT OUT THE BLOODY SOUNDTRACK!! I loved it! It had the pirates singing at times! Friggen awesome. Especially this one...

I guess this is an old sea shanty, but I hadn't heard it til now.

Yesterday, the wisdom tooth removal went ahead as scheduled. It was much... MUCH shorter and simpler than the first. The worst part was him pulling at the tooth, hearing and feeling the crunching & grinding. Afterwards, I realized I couldn't feel both my left ear and my left brow. A thorough Novocaining. I made the conclusion that spending the extra money for professionalism is definitely preferred to going cheap and doing it at the local health department. (At least when it comes to dental matters.)

I've kinda gotten back into the Words With Friends scene again. Not doing too bad, hehe...

So when I think of pirate-y singers, Jimmy Buffett first comes to mind. Understandably. He's a favorite of mine. Love his sound, his lyrics, his personality that shows in his music... Keith Richards comes to mind as well, due to his cameo in the third POTC installment. Speaking of, found a nice pic...

And just got the news that I'm now twice the aunt I was. My sis just had her second. :)

My liver either groans, or sighs with relief. I had two glasses of "spirited" egg nog last night and have been enjoying the rum & cokes tonight.

"Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late."

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