Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Space Age Rum Blog

Blogging on my newly acquired laptop. It's nice, but it has its faults. Something is up with the touchpad, I touch it and new windows pop up randomly. Made an Xbox account, to play some games (once they download, that is... another fault). Kept trying to make my avatar and it kept closing. Grr.

I've been listening to Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots more regularly. Liking it. Also listening to Them Crooked Vultures, a band I've mentioned before. Josh Homme, Dave Grohl, and John Paul Jones. Three rock legends. Probably my first choice to see perform live.

I know how to burn with passion

Hold nothing back for future ration
Give all you are, do not make haste
Savor every single taste.

Thinking about things today, and listening to music from Rescue Me, I realized...

Oh good. My Elbow music is gone. And iTunes is freezing up. Now it's finding missing files. Or so it says.

Anyway. I realized with as many times as I lose my friendships and relationships with people, I shouldn't dwell and should just be on the lookout for what's next. Who I'll meet or who I'll realize I could spend time with. Hopefully getting a day shift will help with that.

Breathe in the future. Breathe out the past.

Hmm. Elbow's Leaders of the Free World is growing on me. Their third album, the one before The Seldom Seen Kid, which is where I got interested in them.

So... I currently have 4 different types of rum. Lady Bligh (cheap Captain), Captain Morgan Private Stock, Kraken, and Bacardi 151. Yeah, the stuff that burns through your esophagus. And that's after you blow out the flame that's lit the surface. I tried the Pyrat "fine" rum. Bleh. Never again. Gimme the not-so-fine. Still want to try the Appleton Jamaican rum. Well now. This trumps all. There is a Rogue Rum. However, I don't currently see a way to purchase it. Hmm.

To Be Continued...

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