Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pwning the Codes

So tonight at work we had a special "Environmental Services Skills Lab" (basically a "this is the way we mop the floor, mop the floor, mop the floor") type thing. One of the booths set up was a timed matching game, matching codes to their descriptions. Code Red = fire, Code Blue... well you know. Anyway, the lady running the booth said that the best time was by the new guy, at 1:16. When I heard this...
"Step Aside, Bitches."
(I couldn't find a proper neck cracking, limbering up gif, so this will do.)

I go up with the record being 1:16 and leave with the record to beat being :50. I did a jig. No lie. Then realized I wasn't the first cleaning person to do so.

Sadly, this was the highlight of my week so far. This and telling someone about it and making them laugh.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Live (v.)

As I poured myself a bowl of Frankenberry cereal this mor... aft... around noon, I came up with a title for a reaction gif that is circling the popular photo sites.

When you pour a bowl of cereal and then find out you have no milk...

It didn't happen to me, this time, but I'm familiar with the situation.

Alright, so... listening to music as I clean up around the house (because I cleaned an insane amount at work tonight... got through 12 chapters, er, rooms), I come across lyrics I particularly like. I like the type that are about making it count, living like each day is your last, etc...

Should we spend each day like it's the last day of our lives?
Yeah why not be a king for a day, I'll make you queen,
And see how long it shines.
Life ain't always what it seems
So grab it by the balls, and do your best before it leaves.

That reminds me, I still need to jump out of a plane.

Need to listen to Guy Garvey's latest episode. Keep forgetting. I'll get it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ordered a new hat the other day. (I'm a stocking cap person.)

I'm waiting patiently... can you tell?

I love gifs.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Clever Charasmatic F'kin Models

So that pumpkin I said I was going to carve... got carved. It was successful and I'm rather proud of it.
See what I mean about bringing a simple outline to life? The outline looks rather different, more like a psycho clown than this crazy fellow.

Unfortunately, it'll rot fast. The more intricate, the faster they decay.

Just started reading Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz, the 5th installment in his Odd Thomas series. I love the humor in the Odd books. Take this excerpt for instance:

First, I ate half of the delicious croissant, but only half. By this restraint, I proved to myself that in spite of the pressures and the turmoil to which I am uniquely subjected, I remain reliably disciplined. Then I ate the other half.

The secondary character, Annamaria, is frustratingly enigmatic. I wish I could be more like her. She says very little, and almost all of what she says is in riddles. But I like the way she explains herself. She says that similar to the way you can't look directly at the sun, less you'll get hurt, she gives answers that are vague and skirt around the issue, because the true answer is too damaging.

My almost four year old witnessed me carving Mr. Geuse two days ago, and is still getting into the silverware drawer for a knife - repeatedly - and trying to carve up the other two pumpkins we have. Once I wasn't paying attention, and suddenly heard "elp! Elp me!" Looked over and he now wants me to help with his discretion. Another time he (the quick little bugger he is) had gotten a knife, and seeing him go up to the pumpkin with it, I yell "NO!" and he sticks it into the pumpkin - up to the hilt - real fast. I don't know if I'm amused or frightened.

I had a thought tonight at work... has anyone ever carved a tangerine? It'd be like a mini pumpkin. And Google images found this for me:

I know they just carved pieces of the rind out and left the mesocarp, but I like it. It's clever.

Definitely my favorite month of the year, October.

(Why is it the 10th month when Octo means 8?)

(Oh. Damn Romans.)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Should Reach You Tomorrow

After seeing something that referred to an older Elbow song, called "Snooks (Progress Report)", I'm now suddenly very much loving their Cast of Thousands album, their second. Today I woke up with the chorus of Fugitive Motel in my head.

The other day I had the line "have a little faith in me, baby can't you see, you've got to talk to me" suddenly pop into my thoughts and attach to some part of my cerebrum. It's a line from an older Lee Ann Womack song. Kinda stuck with me (understandably).

Elbow is coming out with their "Definitive Album Box Set." This one's sights are now set on nothing else. I was recently asked what I want for Christmas, and I answered with "the final season of Monk" so I can finally see the end. As of this morning... err... yesterday morning... I will put that off even longer to get this fantastic collection to be mine. Especially since I now have fallen in love with another of their albums. My favorite band's entire current collection on vinyl... (happy shudder)...

Halloween is approaching. I found a pumpkin design that I really want to attempt. Also, I have my costume. Not sure if it's one I'm supposed to wear in public. But, definitely want to wear it.

Ok, so just traced the design off the computer screen. Easy enough. I know the actual carving won't be as simple, but I'm off to a good start. And I really want to try this, and will be thrilled if it works.

I could see myself going crazy with pumpkin carving. Finding images of characters I like and bringing them to life by way of flickering orange luminosity.

(By the way, it's not the pirate design from my last post.)

Many times I wish I were more original. Coming up with my own ideas and concepts rather than using what I see online. Now yes, I do have my own creativity, but it's all stuck in the knotted chaos that is my inner musing. Something I wish for more than all else is the ability to allow it to flow from that uppermost mechanism, through my dominant appendage, and onto whatever surface is present at the time.

Lately I've been focusing more on what's around me, rather than waiting for stuff from the outside to happen or show up. Going out of your way only works so many times, without being equated, before an imbalance takes over.

Cheers, loves.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ticky Tacky

Sorry about the gushing in the last post. But if I wasn't going on about something I really liked, it was going to be very negative.

The world seems very dead tonight. I worked and got off at midnight and saw very little activity, both around town and online. Rather odd for a Saturday night.

I'm listening to mellow music tonight. Flunk's version of "Blue Monday" from the Walking Tall soundtrack, "In The Waiting Line" and "Destiny" by Zero 7, "We Won't Run" by Sarah Blasko... I love the video to that last one. She reminds me of Lydia from the movie Beetlejuice.

I think that playing "I Wanna Grow Old With You" by Adam Sandler from the Wedding Singer soundtrack first off placed me in a mellow music mood for the rest of the night. Saw it first since it was near the top of my iTunes library.

Alright so a bit less mellow now. "The Saddest Song" by The Ataris. (Not the acoustic version.) Quite good.

Speaking of versions, I really really want to find "My Immortal" by Evanescence, with the full band.

Oh look. It's on iTunes. Never mind.

A lot of the music I like comes from shows I watch. Rescue Me and Smallville played a major part. Rescue Me had an interesting variety, including Snow Patrol, The Pogues, Dropkick Murphys, and Duffy. And the music they chose was incorporated really well into the episodes. Smallville was more about appealing to the teen/young adult audience. All-American Rejects, Remy Zero, Lifehouse, etc.

Listening to "Dirty Old Town" by The Pogues now, since I've mentioned them. This song is in the finale of Rescue Me. And, as I said, it definitely worked well in the episode.

"Fairytale of New York" is a favorite of mine by them. It's in the movie "PS, I Love You." Features Kirsty MacColl.

I have become distracted with Walk Off The Earth videos. I'd apologize, but I regret nothing.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Deep Warm Drunk

The other day I found two of the best things the internet could bring me. A beyond excellent video of Elbow playing the iTunes festival, AND... wait for it... internet radio broadcasts by my favorite singer and frontman, Guy Garvey. And they're current! Not years old.

My response?

Once I got over my initial speechless excitement, that is. He seems to focus this latest broadcast on the new season, autumn. He talks about how his cat chases the squirrels, to no avail, due to the bell he's put around its neck. And he thinks the movie Ray was horrible. Also, he (kinda) slams the harpsichord player in Van Morrison's "Cypress Avenue."

So damned frustrated. A new art gallery here in town is having another exhibit opening/after hours party this weekend. You know, my weekend to WORK. I saw pictures of their previous after hours party and it looks like something I would love. Beer and wine, art, live music... Now they're having another and I can't go. BAH.

I went on a killing spree today. It was kinda needed, with the fly and gnat population tripling (at least) that of my family. Did quite well, with a piece of mail as my weapon. Paper, not chain.

What's so great about the aforementioned video I found? 2:34-2:58. First off, the two ladies playing strings. The one that winks, and the other one with a fun smile... Then of course, Guy Garvey letting the audience sing a particular line and saying "with pleasure" immediately after. I melt every time. The musicians are obviously enjoying themselves. And Guy knows how to please.

It's mostly the "with pleasure" that gets me.

I realized tonight that Guy relaxes me, gets my mind out of the tangled web it's usually in. Other music I barely hear because my thoughts are louder. But when I put on Elbow, my thoughts turn to his voice and the music, and everything else is muted and dimmed.