Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fabricating Salvation

Lost the rubber tip of my left earbud tonight, mid-shift. I wasn't happy. Got my Volbeat in, but not Interpol or Elbow. Oh well, fixed now. Something can be said for my previous suddenly malfunctioning earbuds - spare parts.

Ever get a split in your toe? In a crease on the bottom? I hate those. I have one now. And on the other foot, a callous or something. Along with a bothersome ankle. I'm rocking this on-your-feet-constantly job. And am likely quite a wobbly sight when I get home. Maybe I'll be recruited by the Ministry of Silly Walks.

...No? None of you are Monty Python fans? Alright fine. Some classic John Cleese you're missing out on.

Tired of soul sucking jobs. At a stall right now on what I want. Other than something that actually closes... for the weekend. The holiday. God, even just the evening. My current job and the one before it were both at places that were open 24/7.

Somebody get me out of here,
I'm tearing at myself.

Just rediscovered a song I heard quite a while ago... "She's Gonna Break Soon" by Less Than Jake. So I'm getting their Anthem album. The video to the song has Alexis Bledel in it, whose eyes I wish I had. Not literally... just saying they're quite pretty.

Ah Glitch Mob. I'm one to share lyrics of songs I really like, and Glitch Mob makes that extremely difficult because they're non lyrical. I love how they use some cadence in their music. Especially in Animus Vox.

If you're asking what a cadence is, here you go...
In jr high and high school, during marching band season, the cadence was always my favorite part. It's what you hear when the band is marching down the street but (other than the percussion) not playing. Unless of course they're just doing taps (rim shots) to keep people in step. We had the same cadence for several years, then got a new one at some point. I loved it.

Sorry, some band geek coming out. But I think that's one thing I was truly good at, and confident in... band. Music. Marching band, concert band, jazz band, pep band, brass quartet... I got to where I could look at another instrument's music and visually transpose it so I could play it in tune. Because it's not all the same. A trumpet's C is a French horn's F. (Both of which start the most basic of basic, the B♭ scale.) And as a French horn, I sat by the alto saxes. Whose basic note was a G... only one note above mine... easy peasy.

Alright. Kinda feel better now just by reviewing that.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Finally get to listen to music again tonight. I've been training a new employee this week, so couldn't get my fix. I've added two albums from The Vaccines that I plan to give ear to.

The other day I experienced a pair of $300 headphones. The Dr. Dre Beats headphones. I was expecting more for the amount of money the owner spent.

Yesterday off, work today, off next three days. Shoulda taken today off and had 5 in a row. Oh well.

I can't remember the last time I blogged during the day... if I ever have, that is. Pre-work rather than post.

Side note: Need to stop thinking that just because I would or wouldn't do something out of courtesy or prospect, doesn't mean other people would or wouldn't as well.

That is all.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let Me Move

After three days of no further bloodletting, I decided at work tonight that I'd pull another early morning, 90-minutes-between-work-and-clinical stunt. Go home, shower, grab my phleb folder, come back in... However, by the end of my shift I was dragging. Even that "hey, I've clocked out, no more work, wow, sudden energy boost!" juncture never showed. Just, ugh... me sluggish, go home... yawn yawn.

So as soon as I got home, opened the door, I see debris everywhere. Toys, clothes, dishes. Trash. By then I've resigned to not accomplishing what I'd hoped in the approaching early morning hours. A few more sticks, hopefully one or two heelsticks and blood cultures... Instead - laundry, debris pickup, and some of what you're reading now.

I want to finish. Need to finish. So close. Sidestep the "well then quit" I recently received and finish the program. Move on to whatever's next. Hopefully it's the beginning of better things.

My apologies for this not being an interesting post. But again... not making you read it. Just needed a bit of an outlet.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Glitchy Thrash

Blogging from me new laptop. Well, new to me. It's small. There are smaller, but this one's still small. Interesting story telling how it got to be in my possession, but I won't get into it.

For some reason the Spotify installer says it couldn't connect to the internet and the instant save here on my blog is also telling me it's not working. Hmm. Ah firewall. Grumble. Never mind... still not connecting. ARG.

I realized tonight why I haven't fallen in love with Elbow's new album, Dead In The Boot. It's because the frontman, Guy Garvey, doesn't put power into the album's songs like he did with The Seldom Seen Kid and Build A Rocket, Boys. Songs like Tower Crane Driver, One Day Like This, The Birds, and Open Arms all have him singing at the top of his lungs at some point. But this new album is just so quiet and mellow... Different.

Yes I know there was an error while trying to save my post. Thank you.

Some days I loathe technology. Just... work. Please.

So last night I acquired, and today I listened to, Volbeat. Their album entitled Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood. I had heard "Still Counting" by them and liked it... it amuses me. I like the beat as the song begins, and the first line (which is said a few times during the length of the song) says "Counting all the assholes in the room, I'm definitely not alone." I listened to the album in its entirety, and one song made me stop what I was doing. Volbeat is a heavy metal/thrash band.
What's thrash, you ask?
Anyway, they're heavy metal/thrash. And they covered what many probably call the epitome of country music. They made Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" into a heavy metal song. Not sure how I feel about it.

I really like the lead singer's voice. Something else caught me by surprise as I was listening. There is a live song on the album and he speaks to the crowd. I had incorrectly assumed, based on their songs, that they're American. Nope. Danish. From Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

Shout out to the ones that made it possible for this'n to have her own machine again. Many thanks and suggestive looks sent your way.

Friday, September 7, 2012

All In All

New pair of earphones today. Skullcandy brand, blue spoke. I'm just now testing them on my most recent iTunes purchase... the soundtrack to the movie The Faculty. I forgot how much I love Class of 99's version of Another Brick in the Wall (Pt 2). The scene during the football game when it's playing... friggen awesome. Robert Patrick... the T-1000 as the crazy football coach... I shall always love that movie. Also, Class of '99 did Another Brick in the Wall (Pt 1) as background music for the first part of the movie. I watched the movie several times when it came out, but never recognized the signature rhythm til later, after I had become well acquainted with Pink Floyd's music.
Listened to Godsmack's "Rocky Mountain Way" again today. I don't listen to that enough.

Found a stocking cap today... it's a very fitting stocking cap... I didn't get it because it costs more than the amount of years I've been alive... But I've decided that I'd rather resent the price than regret not getting it. So sometime in the next 14 hours, it'll be mine.

Besides, an occasional treat is nice. And holiday pay helps.

New earphones due to my recent pair suddenly acting up. I prefer the rubber tipped ones rather than the hard ones, like the iPod ones. More comfy. Anyway, I occasionally have to push one or both phones back into my ear or ears. Well, I did this last night to my left and it cut out completely. No warning at all. So I messed with the cords a bit, running two fingers down the entire length, and both sides worked again. But from then on, every time I pushed on the left phone, it cut out and I had to repeat the process. It was odd.

I said before that I can't get into any of Elbow's earlier stuff. That's a lie. I love "Any Day Now" from their Asleep in the Back album.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Would You?

My ipod now has a collection of over 8,000 songs. Just added Linkin Park's A Thousand Suns album, the Transformers 3 soundtrack, and Unfortunate Snort by Pinkly Smooth, which was a band made up of a couple members of Avenged Sevenfold. They broke apart after about a year.

My three day holiday weekend started about 35 minutes ago. I wish I had something extravagant planned, but I don't. Need money for that, and friends.

This week was rough. I didn't go to my last two clinicals. The first one, I just couldn't get myself to go. So burnt out... and with what the week was giving me, or not giving me, I was lacking in the shiny happy and the motivation. And the second, I wasn't in any condition to go. I had a particularly bad day, and was greeted at the door by my husband, with a drink. I had previously decided not to drink after work, to make the morning's wake up easier, but when it's made for you and there, waiting to be consumed... So I drank it. And then had another. Went to bed around 6, got up with my alarm at 8:30, hazily stumbled downstairs, and concluded that needles were a bad idea. Went back upstairs and returned to sleep.

^I like this gif.^

Enough bad! I shall now listen to Goodbye Horses, dancing to the song in my chair. Not the movie dance, thank you, just some swaying to the beat. But, here is Jay doing his dance. (I won't post a video with the whole scene, for censorship's sake.)

I love how... healthy... he looks in this. The actor, Jason Mewes, had major substance abuse problems in the past. I used to follow Kevin Smith's blog, and he told the whole story. There was some back and forth, clean then not, but I last I knew, Mewes was doing quite well. Ah yes, I see now that "as of April 28, 2012, Mewes had maintained his sobriety for 2 years and 31 days." Good for him.

Alright. That's it. Bye.