Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Daft Novels & Blacklisted Pastels

Since my last entry, I've started watching The Blacklist. And I'm hooked. In love with James Spader. He's amazing. The slow, slow revealing of the main character's past and her connection to his character, Raymond "Red" Reddington, is damned frustrating, but I think that if they were to reveal the truth in its entirety, the show would lose a chunk of its following. "Well, now I know, so what's the point of watching..." So I understand. But I'm quite looking forward to that reveal, whenever it shall show itself. (Probably the series finale.)

I'm considering starting on some jukebox art. Either oil paint on canvas or colored pencil on paper. Nice contrast of neon with dark undertones.

OR maybe the Daft Punk guys.

Kinda phasing out of pastels.

Amy Winehouse in the ears as I type. Her Back To Black album.

Started reading Forrest Gump a few days ago. The novel is pretty different from the movie. It's a bit of a slow read, I think mostly due to it being written as he would write it. Example: "We foun a place to put the gun an stayed there till it got dark - an all night long, too, but nothin happen. We could hear all sorts of shit goin on everplace else, but we be lef to ourselfs. Sunup come, an we hungry an tired, but there we is."

I may have started reading Hannibal by Thomas Harris at about the same time, to balance things out a bit, grammatically and intellectually.

There are two meals I'd like to attempt sometime soon. One from Captain America: Civil War, the other from the Hannibal TV show.

Chicken Paprikash

Pappardelle alla Lepre
(Papparedelle with Rabbit)

Yum. Times two. Actually, dunno about the Paprikash, but I know I'd like the pappardelle. (Which is really wide, flat noodles.) AND, as luck would have it, I was recently given rabbit meat. Score.

Them Crooked Vultures now.

I recently found a really cool picture online. I was browsing Cthulhu pics on Google, and found this one:
How cool would it be to be driving down the freeway and see this looming in front of you? Or maybe in your rearview mirror?

I know, I'm odd. But really... It'd be pretty cool.

This one is pretty awesome as well. A brilliantly made gif...

Alright, gonna wrap things up. Take care. Hug a cephalopod. Buh bye.

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