Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tis What Tis

Third day of Front Desking (yes, desking, why not?) under my belt. There are still ropes I don't know the threads of, but I'm getting there. There's a lot more to Front Desking (yep, deal with it) than I ever knew. Like I told the manager training me, I'm good til a curve ball gets thrown. Which happens frequently.

I miss being a paraeducator.

First day of fall in just a few days! Time to start thinking about Halloween and baking my pumpkin chocolate chip bread. Gotta get my playlist of season-appropriate movies lined up. Beetlejuice, Hocus Pocus, Trick R Treat, Halloween... the original, not the remake. Speaking of scary movies, if you enjoy scary and/or creepy, watch V/H/S. It's from 2012. I watched it last year, I believe, and it freaked me out a bit. (Maybe more than a bit.) Some may find it more weird than scary, but I found it creepy, disturbing. If you're into that stuff, get ahold of it. See what you think.

And now I'm re-acquiring it. Glutton for punishment, this one.

So uh, not sure how legal it is to not have a lunch break but... yeah. Manning the front desk for 8 straight hours is how it goes. Guess it's great for getting paid a couple dollars more and maybe losing a few pounds... Shrug. Snackage it is.

I started a new art project. A jukebox in colored pencil. I'm discovering a few things. Colored pencil is great for precision, but not for shading or blending. The color isn't very solid, a lot like pastels. As opposed to oil paints. Kinda stuck right now, because the chrome... joints? plating? not sure what the right word for it is... is difficult to achieve. Might have to find a way around it for now.

Anyway... Here's what I've done so far:

It's not sellable quality, but it's not bad, I guess.

Tonight's playlist includes the RHCP album I mentioned in my last entry, the soundtrack from Rescue Me, and now the Strangers To Ourselves album by Modest Mouse.

One perk of my new job, I have half an hour of music each way. It's pretty enjoyable to be driving down the highway/freeway to music of your choosing, and not only listen to a song and a half. Either my trip to the interview, or my first day there, I looked through the CDs I had in the car, and put in Limp Bizkit's Results May Vary. GREAT album. And when I tire of it, I have CDs I burned over the summer for the vinyl-seeking road trip I went on. John Grant, Queens of the Stone Age, Metric, Massive Attack, Glitch Mob (ooh, they'll be next), Elbow... Oh yes.

Well, hope this finds you well. I'm working on a rum & cola, certainly not my first of the night, and trying to adjust myself to the 3-11 shifts I have this week.

Oh! Quick addition: A song from the Modest Mouse album I'm currently listening to was in a Season 3 episode of The Blacklist! That was pretty exciting. And not only that, but it was my favorite song from that album, "Wicked Campaign." The rhythm to that song is the perfect mix of fast, yet smooth.

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