Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Last 72 Hours, In A Nutshell

(In no particular order.)

1.) Now You See Me was awesome. I loved it.

2.) Sharks don't like Vegemite.

3.) I watched John Heard beat a shark with a bar stool.

4.) I'm taking the Improvised Weapons feat from now on.

5.) Upon entry into a social gathering, I was immediately told "I'm on two, better catch up."

6.) I can't turn down challenges. And it often leads to pain and less tooth enamel.

7.) Whiskey temporarily thaws the ice formed around/on one's heart/shoulder.

8.) S'mores left are s'mores mine.

9.) The Resident Evil movies have lost their touch.


10.) You can drop a bomb into a Sharknado to destroy it.

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