(In no particular order.)
1.) Now You See Me was awesome. I loved it.
2.) Sharks don't like Vegemite.
3.) I watched John Heard beat a shark with a bar stool.
4.) I'm taking the Improvised Weapons feat from now on.
5.) Upon entry into a social gathering, I was immediately told "I'm on two, better catch up."
6.) I can't turn down challenges. And it often leads to pain and less tooth enamel.
7.) Whiskey temporarily thaws the ice formed around/on one's heart/shoulder.
8.) S'mores left are s'mores mine.
9.) The Resident Evil movies have lost their touch.
10.) You can drop a bomb into a Sharknado to destroy it.
This isn't Shakespeare, this isn't news/ It's just my thoughts on music and booze/ Read if you dare, leave if you must/ Though you'll miss out on my musical lust/ Depart and go on your own merry way/ But much is offered, should you choose to stay.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Floyd Tat
I love this tat. Not because of what it symbolizes in the film, but because of the art. And the fact that it has meaning. If I saw a man with this tattoo, I'd assume there was a story behind it. But a woman with this tag... different story.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Good Things
Raving about Them Crooked Vultures as much as I did, it may come as a surprise that tonight is the first time I've listened to them in a while. Due to the new QotSA album. Others I haven't listened to are Interpol, The Veils, The Vaccines, Flaming Lips, Eels, I Am Kloot... and Elbow! I miss them. Miss my Guy. But I get kinda one-album-minded when a new one is released or discovered.
Though, tonight yours truly came up with (what she thinks is) another clever play on words. Described my listening to Them Crooked Vultures as "audio-erotic stimulation." Eh? Eh? Oh come on. That's gold. 'Cause this is for sure a nookie-able album. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever gotten action with musical accompaniment. Not completely, anyway. Bucket list!
Apologies. Weird mood.
Still love that "Radioactive" song and video by Imagine Dragons.
My phone has a lava lamp motion background. A bit hypnotic.
New desktop background:
Not sure why, but it really caught my eye while browsing. Likely because of the contrast between the blue and oranges/yellows.
And perfect finish to the night... child gets into my lap, sees this pic, says "whassat?" I say "what IS that?" he says "s'at... pirate ship?" I declare this a good night.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Try To Keep Up...
Happy Sattaday. Half of my weekend to work is over, huzzah. Weekends aren't so bad, actually. Rather easygoing compared to M-F. But who wouldn't rather be off?
New music! Getting the Twister soundtracks, both the score album and the soundtrack with Van Halen, Rusted Root, Goo Goo Dolls, etc. I think I've acquired a few random songs off the album, but now I'm getting it in full.
Watching the new "Oz the Great and Powerful" movie yesterday, I took pride in recognizing Danny Elfman's music within the first 60 seconds of the movie's opening score. Without having done any research. Hell, I didn't even know that Sam Raimi directed it, which would've been a dead giveaway. He and Tim Burton always use Elfman. Well, almost always. Apparently Raimi and Elfman had a falling out during or after Spider-Man 2. Reconciled for Oz.
Heard something on the radio today I took a liking to. "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. It was on a more pop-ish station that I rarely listen to, but I'm glad I caught it. Watching the music video now, it's... interesting. And is that... that really looks like Lou Diamond Phillips!.... It is! Nice. Interesting video. Here...
I love the way they do the drum. So big, so loud. Showy. Reminds me of a video I posted before, by Walk Off The Earth. Their "Red Hands" video. I'm not going to post it again, either browse through old posts or google it if you wanna see. I just like the effect of someone hitting a drum real hard and seeing dirt/dust/debris bursting off it. It's... effective. ;)
The other day I put in Night at the Museum to see if my kid would like it. Since it's somewhat animated and quite exciting throughout. (No luck.) Just made me want to watch the sequel. So I acquired. There's nothing I can say about Hank Azaria's performance in that movie... other than it's been too long since I've watched it. Beyond hilarious. He nailed it. From the moment he appears (I... have come BACK to LIFE!!) to the petty "DO! NOT! CROSS! THIS! LINE! I CAN'T BELIEVE... you CROSSED the LINE! Oh GOD I want to kill you!"
As a kid, I remember watching The Birdcage with my mom, who loved it. Recently viewing youtube vids of the flick, I found out that Azaria is the gay butler who has moves that I envy.
Ah screw it, I'll post it again.
(Love the confetti exploding out of the cymbals.)
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
They Ate Pancreas
Ferris Bueller art and pics, for your pleasure.
This one is pretty interesting...
^I've done this^
This one is pretty interesting...
But I think my favorite is this one. Because you see it, in its simplicity, and know exactly what scene it's from.
Hope you enjoyed.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Epiphany from an Epiphany
Agreed. The more attractive, slender, etc a woman is, the more attention she gets.
Some of these women want attention and are truly shallow.
Some strive to be attractive so they have a better chance of striking up conversation, and thus being allowed for their personality to surface.
And some remain 100% true to themselves. Even if they are passed up for other more appealing women.
Can't say I'm one of the true ones. I'm always striving.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Just saw a cover, poster, something, of the Swedish film adaptation of the book I'm reading. Second in the Millennium series, The Girl Who Played With Fire. The series continues to keep my interest, and I can't wait to finish so I can see the movie. Though, I'll for sure enjoy the journey. They haven't made this flick in Hollywood yet, but it seems to be in the works.
Here's the pic.
Here's the pic.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Unsure, Yet Intrigued
So I just started the Hollywood adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I've already watched the Swedish version (dubbed with English audio) which seemed appropriate, for it being a Swedish book by a Swedish author. Side note: I expected a downside of not recognizing anyone - like Daniel Craig, Joely Richardson, Goran Višnjić and Stellan Skarsgård - but was rather pleased to see that I had seen the actress who played Lisbeth Salander before, twice. Noomi Rapace is in both Prometheus and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Main role and supporting role, respectively. ANYWAY....
Just started the movie a few minutes ago. And am not sure what to think of the opening credits. Good song, good remake of the song, very interesting graphics... but still odd... however... I don't dislike it.
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