Thursday, May 2, 2013

Getting There

Just some FYI... If you're an employer, and an employee comes in on their day off for the overtime you offered them (and you were relieved they took it, because it helps you out), don't give them a goddamn write-up on THAT DAY, which is now their day FOUR of EIGHT, for something minor, trivial, that happened last week.

Seriously considered giving myself a night out tonight. Haven't had one in months.

But... 9 days til my Mothers Day Weekend.

We decided tonight to forgo the dinner theatre, and just see where the night and our appetites take us. Seemed like we were kinda tied down for the evening. This way, we're open to cuisine, location, and price. I'm excited to see where we end up.

Mmm... rum.

Getting a new phone last week, I unfortunately lost the book I was reading. The Outcast Blade wasn't transferred. And now we can't find it again. So I've started reading the Hunger Games novels. I also got ahold of the newish JK Rowling book, The Casual Vacancy.

No good picture found, so I'll end with something different.

Take your time
Count your friends
Are they few?
Or know no ends?

Show them love
Show them care.
For if you don't,
They mightn't be there.

They love you much
As much as life
Til they're shunned enough
To just avoid the strife.

So please just sit
And think things through.
Please, please, appreciate
Those important to you.

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