Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Good Times Indeed... And Storms

My May is drawing to a close. I call it My May because it held a lot for me, as I said before. This past weekend, I went to a wedding. Only knew maybe 10 people, but still had fun. Gave the DJ a bit of a challenge. He started taking requests, so I went up and said "Ballroom Blitz by Tia Carrere." He looked at me quizzically so I added "from the Wayne's World soundtrack!" He said that he has the soundtracks to both movies, looks up a Ballroom Blitz, has me listen with some headphones. I give ear, and shake my head, reiterating that it's by Tia Carrere. He looks dubious but does some research. (I know exactly what I'm talking about, by the way, and schooling the man who gets paid to handle music.) Finds it, gives me a "you were right, good job" high five, and plays it a few songs later. It was rather awesome and made me feel pretty good.

The reception wrapped up earlier than expected, so some of us went to a local bar that was... very very excellent. Even the title appealed to me, being of the pirate type. Captain's Quarters. Their beer taps were amazing. First I sampled the Rogue OREgasmic, then tried my friend's Kill Devil. Liked it more, since the Rogue was a bit "hoppy" so went with it. (Two days later, I was told that the Kill Devil was aged in rum casks... no wonder I liked it so much.) Once we tapped out the tap... seriously... it ran out on us... I finished with a pint of the Rogue. AND they had an internet jukebox! Got a pic of the newlyweds picking a song together. As a music lover, I can't imagine a better "first" pic. It was an excellent night. Including someone who matched me in music and musical artist knowledge. "Let's play something by Massive Attack." "Yeah, this one..." "Now by Eels." "Oh here's a good one..." It was nice having someone able to stay with me, musically.

Woke up to a thunderstorm this morning. Really wished I could stay in bed and listen to it rather than go to work, but oh well. It's storming again now, as it draws near (actually, past) the time I usually head to bed. Love storms.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Favorite line from A Bug's Life.

There are many great lines, but I always love this one.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rolling Ones

Looking forward to this coming weekend... A little less than I was, due to some plan changes. But hopefully it's still fun. Going to a wedding a couple hours away. By meself now, "date"less after an unfortunate occurrence. I have a feeling I will be doing much sitting and watching the mingling and dancing... though not completely alone. A certain fellow shall accompany me, a captain of sorts.

I looked for and found a dress for this weekend that is kinda pirate-ish, without looking like a costume. Actually, the seller's description included the words "Pirate" "Bohemian" and "Indian." As soon as it arrived, I accessorized. Jewelry, cardigan, shoes... Looks pretty good, I think. 

Upon a recent realization, I'm once again wishing for the close friendship I yearn to have. I have had a few best friends, but they have come and gone. And for some reason, I usually seem to be the constant variable, the one that doesn't change. Never able to find a match. My high school best friend and I drifted apart due to distance. And it always seemed like I was willing to visit but she wasn't able to. My next bf moved a state away. Again, I visited, but she didn't tell me when she was in for a visit. The next, while nearest the close friendship I want, turned out to be a bit of a stalker in love with me. After that came someone I loved spending time with, but again wouldn't reciprocate the effort and couldn't be trusted to tell the truth. Found other interests and... things. The most recent... I lately considered him my closest friend but recent revelations show that I'm not seen in the same light. While I know I shouldn't care, should take whatever friendship I can get, it still leaves me lacking in what I would really like to have. Perhaps I was just groping for it.

I understand that things happen. Marriages, families, relocations. But I still dislike how many of my best friendships have fallen apart, or aren't what I so badly desire. Seems inevitable anymore.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let's Review...

Mothers Day Weekend has passed. The trip was most excellent. We really didn't do anything we originally planned, cept stayed in the chosen hotel, but I think that made it better. We didn't have to be anywhere at any certain time, and because of that, we were able to explore & experience more. Like the little Irish pub we found. With an Irish bartender... Yeah... Oh you're still here! Sorry. Anyway, we order our drinks and the guy next to us at the bar puts them on his tab. We thank him, get our drinks... and his wife sits down next to him. Hmm... interesting. So we find some seats and enjoy our seemingly secret gifts.

Apparently I'm a hit with old swing-dancing men. Got hit up for a dance by the first guy, again by another, and then by the first guy again.

Tried a few Bloody Marys that cost as much as a top artist's new CD. And still prefer the ones 1/3 of the price here where I live.

The thing about a Bloody Mary is, you never know how it's going to taste. While rum & cokes don't change. I asked a few locations what their rum choices were, and heard Myers a few times. So gave it a try. It was good.

I got to try something I recently discovered... squid ink pasta. Sorry, FRESH squid ink pasta. Loved it. I was hoping to try it with squid ink sauce, but that was a bit harder to find. So I settled.

My mother and I are fans of sushi. Well, she likes the raw fish that's on top of the rice and I like the fish that's rolled up with rice and cucumber, avocado, and/or seaweed. Anyway, I tried hers this time. Tuna belly (toro) and surf clam. The tuna was so soft, like biting into cream cheese. The latter, not so much, took some chewing. But both were very good. So were my yellowfin rolls. And Mom decided to be brave and try the sea urchin. She liked it. We both also had the seaweed salad before that... best I've had yet. Found out that squeezing a lemon over it makes it even better.

We ventured out to a rum bar. While I originally planned to try something more uncommon and exotic, I ended up trying one I'd seen before, Kilo Kai. I think I got sidetracked when he asked me what I preferred. "Sweet? Not sweet? Dark? Light?" I went sweet. Should've stayed and tried more, but oh well. Now I've been to a rum bar. :)

I know, it's only rum & coke, but I like it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Getting There

Just some FYI... If you're an employer, and an employee comes in on their day off for the overtime you offered them (and you were relieved they took it, because it helps you out), don't give them a goddamn write-up on THAT DAY, which is now their day FOUR of EIGHT, for something minor, trivial, that happened last week.

Seriously considered giving myself a night out tonight. Haven't had one in months.

But... 9 days til my Mothers Day Weekend.

We decided tonight to forgo the dinner theatre, and just see where the night and our appetites take us. Seemed like we were kinda tied down for the evening. This way, we're open to cuisine, location, and price. I'm excited to see where we end up.

Mmm... rum.

Getting a new phone last week, I unfortunately lost the book I was reading. The Outcast Blade wasn't transferred. And now we can't find it again. So I've started reading the Hunger Games novels. I also got ahold of the newish JK Rowling book, The Casual Vacancy.

No good picture found, so I'll end with something different.

Take your time
Count your friends
Are they few?
Or know no ends?

Show them love
Show them care.
For if you don't,
They mightn't be there.

They love you much
As much as life
Til they're shunned enough
To just avoid the strife.

So please just sit
And think things through.
Please, please, appreciate
Those important to you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013