Sunday, December 30, 2012


A Woot And A Half

I purchased something the other day. While I'm disappointed the store didn't have any on hand, I can live in antici....... pation for the next week or so.

My new laptop will be in soon.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

End of holiDays

Why, why is Felix The Cat: The Movie so damned expensive? $42.99 for it USED! I've wanted this movie for as long as I can remember. I finally have the means to get it... have the means to get a lot of stuff I want actually... but I'm unsure of how to proceed.

Part of me... a big part... is screaming to go to England and see my favorite band. And I'm afraid that if I don't, I'll regret it and never again have the chance to.

I can either do the one big thing or a few smaller things. Decisions, decisions. The smaller things I can get some other time if I strategically plan and save. So... hmm.

Listening to my favorite Christmas music one last time. Even though it's now the early morning hours of the 26th. Some Grinch soundtrack (especially "Better Do It Right" by Smash Mouth), my Annie Lennox song, and "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I recently saw a local place that had a bunch of artificial Christmas trees that had lights set in time with their holiday music. It was pretty awesome. I love TSO, should get more of their music. I'll reiterate on how outstanding their "Beethoven's Last Night" album was. (Although it's easier to follow if you read along via Wikipedia.)

My other finds it funny that it's still difficult for me to fall asleep on Christmas eve. I still feel that youthful anticipation. Even being the parent and no longer the child.

I need more Eels music.

There we go.

Meant to watch more holiday movies than I did. Like the Jim Carrey Grinch movie and Christmas Vacation. Oh well. Did see the original Grinch, The Santa Clause, Miracle on 34th Street (remake), and some Hallmark movie called Christmas With Holly.

Ah, some Gogol Bordello for the ears. For sure, if you ever want something eccentric... listen to them.Their Super Taranta! album. I personally love Wonderlust King, Zina-Marina, and American Wedding. 

There are two things I go through faster than a snow cone melts in July. 1)Earphones. Something always happens. Whether the wires inside go bad, or (most recently) the cord get caught on something and yanked out of the jack part of the set, I can't seem to keep a working pair of 'phones. 2)Phone chargers. My phone kills them. You know how when you plug your phone in, it's supposed to kinda click into place? Well eventually, the jack gets looser and looser and eventually doesn't charge my phone anymore.

I've become distracted with other things. Time to go. Shh, it's ok loves.

(If you understand this, you are to be congratulated.)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sweet Dream Weaver

Tonight I listened to my newest addition, Eurythmics. I discovered during the closing ceremony of this year's Olympics, which were in London, England, that Annie Lennox is a) British (Scottish, actually) and b) formerly of Eurythmics, and thusly the singer of Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This).

I know I keep gushing about Annie Lennox, but something about her draws me. Probably her artistry. Her videos and garb are catchy. Like the orange buzzcut and suit with gloves and staff thing in Sweet Dreams. And the 18th century style of Walking On Broken Glass. And... wait... ok that's awesome. Hugh Laurie and John Malkovich are in that video. Laurie is in his Blackadder character and Malkovich is his character from Dangerous Liasons. Just way awesome. I love discovering stuff like this.

Should be attempting sleep. Especially after seeing this:

Then again, I'm not one that is dreamed about. If I'm in any dreams, they probably involve violence, either from the dreamer or from me. (I like sharp implements and incite much frustration from others.)

On a more personal note...Wanted nothing more than to be a stay-at-home mom tonight. A bad bloody nose and scared child makes for a frustrated evening shift mother. Some may argue that going to work isn't the same as turning your back, but that doesn't change the way it feels. Or the way the child sees it.

Alright. Emotions peaking. Gotta go.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lá Maith

Been listening to Of Monsters And Men a lot lately. Their "My Head Is An Animal" album, from Little Talks through Yellow Light. Still adoring Love Love Love and Your Bones. It may be taking the place of The Vaccines as most played.

Today I drove about two hours to do some Christmas shopping in a more densely populated area and spend time with a friend. I met him at his residence, where I discovered he had my second favorite Moscato and a bottle of Glenlivet. As tempting as it was to later stay and indulge, I resisted. (Shouldn't have.) We met up with another friend I saw was in the area for an enjoyable late lunch, then parted ways and he & I did some holiday shopping. Saw an impressive sporting goods store, a remodeled mall that I occasionally went to when I lived closer (I remember my grandmother taking me when I was young, us going to Waldenbooks, and me leaving with brand new Goosebumps books... a cherished memory), and the awefulness that is no longer the Pasta House Co. I'm sure it's not that bad, but the fact that it's no longer what it was creates a rather large grudge.

Pretty much everything I bought could have been bought where I live, but I'm glad I went. It was a (needed) good time.

It was overcast when I left this morning. About a third of the way there, something was different. Then I realized there was a thin layer of snow on the fields that spread from the freeway. Soon after, it was actually snowing, and then the road got a bit hazardous and snow plows started appearing. It was as though I had gone into another world, from an overcast one to the beginnings of a winter wonderland. In the span of less than an hour.

Wearing my fuzzy Grinch pj pants. A bit snug, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Besides, when clothes are snug, that gives me a goal ;)

(For them to be less snug.)

That shall be all for now. I'll depart while listening to Gerard Butler sing "The Galway Girl."

(Oh! This pic reminds me of something! On a cruise ship on my senior trip, I took and wore a white shirt that said "I Love Irish Boys" in green. A friend of mine saw a guy wearing a shirt that said "Kiss Me I'm Irish" and tried her hardest to find me, but alas failed. Had she succeeded, it would have been awesome six ways to Sunday.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Yip Kick Hooray

So tired of the neighbor's dogs (overgrown rats) yipping all day. Fortunately for them, their masters are family of the landlord. However, there are still times I imagine bad things.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fahoo Fores!

I left the house for work today with three albums worth of new (to me) music on my ipod. Not just new albums, but artists I didn't have before. It created a feeling that wasn't quite euphoric, but still pretty hearty. They were Demon Days by Gorillaz (which I think I liked most), because I heard "Feel Good Inc" over the past weekend, Hell In My Heart by Bobaflex, because I liked "Bury Me With My Guns," and My Head Is An Animal by Of Monsters And Men. They sounded Irish to me, but they're from Iceland. I had heard "Little Talks" somewhere and liked it. I wasn't as immersed in the album as I'd hoped, but I did like "Love Love Love" and "Your Bones." The former was rather relaxing. Will definitely go on my Mellow playlist. "Your Bones" has a beat I really like, kind of a Bum... bumBum... I don't think it's a shuffle, but I can't think of its name. "Don't Worry Baby" by The Beach Boys has the same rythym, and Amy Winehouse has it in "Back To Black." (Though it's in countless other songs, I'm sure, these are just ones I can name.)

Getting the Grinch movie soundtrack. I have it somewhere but am reluctant to look for it at the moment. It's a good soundtrack... just season-specific. There was a Christmas concert special thing on tv a couple years ago, maybe a tree lighting or something, and Annie Lennox did God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. I loved it. Again, because of the beat to it. Ah, I found it. Christmas In Rockefeller Center.

Although I got the album and realized she was lip syncing rather than actually singing live... oh well.
(...Have I posted this before?...)

Still cutting back on the fermented and distilled. Trying to clear my head and keep my health at least at functioning level. No rum for a while now, but have had the occasional one or two ales.

Planning on knocking out some Christmas errands this weekend. Wish me luck. It's probably getting crazy out there. So damn glad I don't work retail anymore.

And for good measure... I would so wear this (I adore Grinch stuff)...
Grinch Costume