Sunday, October 2, 2011

Recapped Changes

Mawage - done. Honeymoon - done. Vacation - over. Next: my younger sister's wedding next month. Then, the holidays. I work Thanksgiving and am off Christmas. Which means... actually, looking at the calendar, I should have the night before off as well. Lots of hoping and finger crossing. If I am to work Christmas eve, and it's not considered a holiday, I'll be working til a couple hours into Christmas morning. Not something that is looked forward to.

The mawage went smoothly, other than a small wardrobe malfunction when my betrothed suddenly grabbed my hand and raised it in triumph. But I didn't let it bother me. I tried treating it like an "oops... moving on" incident. However, I recently copied a friend's pics and vids to my computer and discovered there is video evidence.

There were many comments on how awesome the ceremony and reception was, and we got several thank-you's and much praise, but honestly, he and I were but a fraction of the elements that made it so great. Most of it being everyone else; the wedding party, the outside help who were just as (or more) helpful and reliable, and of course the people that showed up to observe/participate. I've very glad that the feedback has all been positive.

I was asked by (I can say this now) my significant other a few days ago, what do I want for Christmas? I replied with "a new laptop." Because mine is circling the drain, and I don't mean around the rim. He was silent after my reply, and then said "so what do you want for Christmas?" I guess my first request was out of the question. So I asked for the first, second, sixth, and seventh seasons of Rescue Me, to complete my collection. The final season of Monk would be great too, to complete that series as well (and finally see the end of the show). But, as the vows stated, we are "for poor and even poorer" and must make do.

There's a song I've recently heard, loved, and acquired. Once, I played it and had tears flowing while listening, because of the images it projected. Very powerful.

Aladdin - the Disney cartoon - was on ABC Family tonight. I was bothered by their changing of lyrics (in the first minute of the movie, no less) and couldn't help but notice that those lyrics were just fine 20 years ago. (Good Lord, is it that old already? Talk about a slap in the face from reality.) I just didn't understand. I was only halfway listening to the movie, but automatically noticed the alteration, mostly because the voice that changed the lyrics was different. I hate that.

Go dti an chead uair eile.

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