Monday, July 25, 2016


Greetings. Since I've last posted, SO MUCH has happened!.... No, not really.

Summer continues. The kid went to camp, spent all week there this time. Ruled the roost, apparently.

Family vacation took place. Three days, two nights. It was nice. The zoo we went to was friggen hot. Humid, with no breeze whatsoever. The animals we never saw were obviously seeking shelter. But I really enjoyed later camping along a small river, with a spring feeding it from a hundred yards or so upstream.

Then, once home from vacation, I took another 2-day road trip to assist someone in the acquiring of vinyl records - and stands - for his up-and-coming record store. The first half of the trip was fun, the next day's acquiring of the records was fulfilling, and then... I guess we just wanted to get back home. A rather long and quiet trip back.

I remain unemployed. My last attempt resulted in "we only have part-time, at minimum wage"... Doesn't work with our budget. So I'll start actively looking again next month, and hopefully find something the pays decent and starts about the same time the kid starts school, and is something similar to school hours. Wish me luck, I'll need it...

All there is, for now. G'night.

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