Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rough Waters

Rough time lately. Problems with the kid in school. Problems with myself apparently. (I believe I'll return to seclusion and retreat from attempting a social life.)

I found a new-to-me band this evening. Eluveitie. Celtic Death Metal.

Remember that art project I mentioned before? My first time painting on canvas? It's going alright, I guess...

I'm both enjoying and loathing working with oil paint. Definitely taking my time with it. But I'm learning. I'd probably do another, if it's as basic as this one. (Red, black, and white. Mixed black and white for the gun. The blue was borrowed and done in a matter of minutes.) All I have left now is to get a light brown for the gun's cork and to finish the background. The smudges will disappear as I put in those finishing touches.

Been reading a historical fiction pirate novel. The author is quite good. Definitely done his homework on New Providence Island, Charles Vane, Edward Teach (Blackbeard), Woodes Rogers... and much else. I commend him. The novel is call Hunt For White Gold. It's the second book in the Pirate Devlin series. I've also been watching Black Sails. Transitioning between the two has been... interesting.


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