Monday, April 11, 2016


Well Friday ended on a low note. Got told by the principal that I had 2 options. Either hand in a letter of resignation to the board of education effective the end of the school year (next month) or my position would be terminated.

So, let's recap.

1)Didn't get a part, or even a callback, for the play I desperately wanted to be in.
2)Kid is headed towards getting put on behavior meds.
3)I'm being forced to resign from the job I strived to get only a year ago.

Yeah. Feelin' pretty defeated.

But, I have a growler of beer here that is trying its best to help me find my white chick groove as I listen to the Night at the Roxbury soundtrack. Temporary peace of mind.

I'm ready to do something. Get out of town. Hopefully next month.

Silver lining, I'm looking forward to having the time to continue my canvas art and hopefully completing the project I'm trying for. I'm mostly done with the first, and I believe Catwoman will be next. I'll leave Ivy for last. She'll likely be the most challenging. Not that that's a bad thing.

 Alright, I'm out. Just wanted to express my current state of mind. No one reads it anyway.

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