Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sink, Sank, Sunk

So, once again burned on the friendship level. Sigh.

Two different appointments, both of significance, approach, within the next two weeks. Hopefully answers will be provided at both.

I watched Silver Linings Playbook tonight. Admired Jennifer Lawrence's character and performance.

The old game Tapper (1983) is available to play online. It's been a recent activity of mine. And according to it, if I were to take up the bartending hat, I'd be a level 11. (Can't seem to get past that level.) And interestingly enough, the more I drink, the better I am. But as I said, that's the online flash version.

Okay.... Sorry... laughing... Just found a pic I find hilarious. Here:

Ah-ha, haha, ahhh.... Good stuff.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Black Sails

Check this out! New pirate show on! Airing on Starz, so it's likely, eh, not for kids. It's called "Black Sails" and centers around the Treasure Island pirates (John Silver, Billy Bones, Captain Flint, etc...), only 20 years before the famous story. And one of the promo posters for it is done awesomely.

That guy is actually Flint... Never seen a living person make such a good likeness of the skull & crossbones. They did a great job with this.

I have the pilot, and will prolly view it this evening. But, just wanted to share the new show find and awesome picture. Anndd a lil bitta editing... cut out the text, expand pic size, center Flint, and fill in black around him... Ha! New desktop background!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Share Time..

A long long time ago... I went to Chicago, IL on vacation with my family. I was 14 or so. We took the train there and back. While still in the city, at the station, waiting for our homebound train to call us into its holds, I sat cross-legged upon the floor, listening to my new acquisitions with my yellow RCA personal, portable disc player...

(this is what it looked like, and was my prized possession for... well, I still wish I had it. I loved it.)

...and I feel a tap upon my shoulder from behind. A boy, about my same age at the time, is there, and he points at the CD case sitting on the thigh opposite my disc player...
...and gives me a thumbs up. I grin, and turn back to my music, still grinning. And I've held onto that memory ever since.

Listening to this album now, it recalls the scene. Two people, in the midst of travel, sharing a brief connection. And it was a connection that had a small chance of occurring, based on this band's popularity compared to others at that time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Music & Booze... The Norm

Got a bunnncha new music the other day. Puscifer, The Veronicas, Supersuckers, Nico Vega, Devo... The Devo I already had on vinyl, their Something for Everybody album. I like it. Currently giving ear to Puscifer, and liking it as well. It's interesting. Different in a way I can't really describe. Someone I know really likes Supersuckers, so I thought I'd give em a listen. Can't seem to get their new album, though, entitled Get The Hell. Well, I could get it if I really wanted, but... y'know. And as for Nico Vega... I previously only had one of their songs, "Gravity," which I enjoyed. Seeing if I'll take a liking to their other works.

Hmm, Puscifer's Conditions of My Parole album... I'm into it. Kinda has a Depeche Mode feel to it,with a little bit of Massive Attack (especially in "Horizons"). Their song "Monsoons" from the album has my attention. Not really the way it starts out, but what it turns into. It kinda builds.

Unrelated side comment... This cyst seems to be giving me more problems than I knew.

Current accumulation of songs: 10,174! I broke 10,000! Sweet. And I still have 47.3 gigs free.

Monday of this past week, I attended something called "Bomber Monday" at a local joint. You go in, buy a "bomber" (22oz bottle of beer) or even a 6-pack, any type of beer really, and take it back to a tasting room where others have done the same, and you get to try several different types of beer. It was awesome. My favorites seemed to be the two imperials stouts I tried.

This be the end of me's blurbin'. F'now.


Just found this... and I love it.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pump Up The Volume

I love that my 4 year old insists for me to play music... on my record player. I know he doesn't yet differentiate between vinyl sound and all else, he just wants music and knows where it comes from. But still... kinda cool.

Started working out. Today was my third session, about an hour each. Mostly alternating between the elliptical and treadmill, doing some weights. My right ankle, the one I've had trouble with for over a decade, 

(My kid just put a 24-piece puzzle together by himself! YAY! "Big deal." Yes, it is, for him. Shut up.)

wasn't too happy with me, especially today, but I took it. I wish I could run continuously, but I have to stop and walk for a spell at times throughout.

Recent music: Lit and Helmet. Old stuff, but good. Their albums "A Place in the Sun" ('99) and "Meantime" ('92), respectively.

Well... 'Nother day of work tomorrow. Til next time.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Silhouette Serenade

I forgot how much I like this song. Love the strings in it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014