Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Please

I'm listening to my child's Speech Therapy session. The therapist is rea-HEALLY pissing him off today. Keeps taking away his sippy cup, trying to get him to say or signal "more please." Instead of saying "bad idea lady" I'm keeping my mouth shut. (She's new.)

Got a job a few months ago, at the hospital here. It's alright. I don't really like the hours, but they seems to work best with our family schedule. And the paycheck is extremely nice to have. My first full-time job, other than the girl scout camp counselor job I did the summer I graduated.

I'm also taking one class that is in session 2 mornings a week. I'm in pursuit of a Surgical Tech certificate. However, I have recently been told that after working a year at the hospital, I can transfer out to other departments, and people have been transferring to be Surg Techs without any training. Kinda makes this schooling seem pointless. I'm not saying that furthering my education is pointless, just that taking classes for something that is hiring untrained people seems a bit useless. Maybe it'll help my chances of successfully transferring.

The weather is finally warming up. As it does every year, it seemed to have a difficult time making up its mind at first. A warm day, then three cold, then two more warm, a warm rainy day, the next day it would freeze...

I miss having friends. I'm very glad to have someone at home to talk to and spend time with, and I don't know what I'd do without him. But it would still be nice to have an outside friend or group of friends to do things with. And since I'm either working, sleeping, or catching up on cleaning at home, I'll probably continue to be without.

Not really anything else to tell, so guess this entry will end on a depressing note. Sorry.

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