Sunday, October 24, 2010


This past weekend, I was supposed to go camping with some people. Those plans got canceled at the last minute, so instead I went to Springfield, ate, saw a movie, and went to a club of sorts that I had never been to.

The movie I saw was Red. (Retired, Extremely Dangerous.) It was awesome. Bruce Willis washis usual suave self, Helen Mirren was great as a trigger-happy ex-CIA agent, and John Malkovich probably had the best part. He was absolutely insane. Hilariously insane, though. Completely paranoid, carrying around a pink stuffed pig, which was later revealed to be hiding a rather large gun. It's something that I must immediately buy as soon as it comes out on dvd.

The previews before the movie looked good. Although I can only remember 2 of them. One is Unstoppable, with Denzel Washington and Chris Pine (Kirk from the new Star Trek) and is about a train. The other was one I had seen before, The Green Hornet. I can't tell if it's going to be any good or not. But it bugs me that I can't remember the other previewed movies.

Oh! And I got to see Conan O'Brien's new commercial on the movie screen! The one where he drives an explosives-packed car over a cliff. I had seen it before, on youtube, but nothing compares to seeing it on the movie screen.


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