Friday, September 14, 2018

Blank Canvas

Happy mid-September. I suppose. Just, y'know, waiting for October, and everything that comes with it. Just get here already... And bring that chill to the air with you.

Finally got some art projects going. I'm painting a flat wooden 20-sided die for my husband, and working on the first of hopefully a few canvasses for a friend. She just opened up a bar close to where I work, and it's hippie-themed. I'm also hoping to finally do the Poison Ivy (from the Batman universe) canvas I've wanted to do for ages.

I'll share pics of them once they're done.

The new house is going nicely. Got it all unpacked, now just need to get a couple projects done. A dresser for the kid, an entertainment center. Deep freeze. This 'n that.

Apparently we moved into a nature preserve. Countless squirrels, rabbits, mourning doves, cardinals, other birds I can't identify, possums, a snake or three, and... two chipmunks. Yep. However, it's only when I keep the bird feeder filled. Leave it empty for a few days, and it's a ghost town.

One of the chipmunks, the one I see regularly, is my favorite. When I fill the hanging bird feeder, I'll lay some food out on the ground for him. He fills his cheeks and disappears for a while, then returns empty. Repeat. The other chipmunk I only saw once or twice, and I thought "oh, you brought family, awesome!..." then suddenly he chased the new guy away with great hostility. "Or... not... ok..."

Hopefully getting new ink soon. As in new tattoo. Again with the sharing of pics once it happens.

Our family "vacation" this summer (I'm really not considering it a vacation, for reasons) included a sightseeing trip to "castle ruins" in/near the Ozarks. If you're ever in the area, it's worth the time. Here's a pic to give you an idea...

After a couple of paragraphs, I realized that I really don't have much to say tonight... Just excited to be doing art again, I guess, and wanted to share. Don't really have a lot to get excited about these days.

Take care. Ta-ta.

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