Thursday, July 5, 2018

Busy Be the Blogger

The trip by train to the city went alright. Not as well as I'd hoped, but hopefully still memorable. It's difficult to keep an autistic ad/hd kid entertained during 2 long train rides to a mostly-by-foot two day romp around the city. Where things he wants to do, like river boat tours, cost $40... for one of us. But that's not to say that fun wasn't had. He loved going up in one of the skyscapers to the skydeck. And we found a very interesting, imaginative and extensive playground. I just hope that he remembers it, and fondly. The fun stuff.

Just got back from a trip to see my mom's side of the family three states away a few days ago. Drove 14.5 hours one way with my son and mother. Stayed for 6 days. Once we got there, the time flew by. Suddenly we were leaving the next day to drive the 14.5 hours back.

What reeeaaalllyyy sucked was we didn't have the satellite radio I'm spoiled with in our car. AND of course, my media player was nowhere to be found. So no RoadTrip PlayList '18. Erg. And the further south we went, the more stations on the radio were... gospel, religious, etc. No thanks. And unfortunately, the radio signal was so damn rare that I found myself settling for country music.

I may have wiped blood from my ears once or twice.

(No insult meant for gospel & country music fans. It's just really, truly not for me. You all say the same about Ozzy, Manson, Ramones, and Eminem.)

So since my return, I've resumed work on the new-- wait! You nonexistent readers don't know yet! We bought a house! Our first! Moved in about a month ago. Right before the trip to the city. Anyhow, I've been working on the new place, but it's slow going. So effing busy with stuff this summer, and unsure of how I want things. Like stuff hung on the walls. And what to put in storage (now that we have sooo much more storage, thanks to the attic & basement space!). It's a process, but I've done things here and there. We'll get there.

One fairly recent occurence that hit me hard... Anthony Bourdain's death. I deeply admired him. He's inspired me to find the lesser-known eateries in the places I travel to. To find out what said places are known for, and the history and culture. When we vacationed last year and ended up going to Nashville, I watched the N'ville Parts Unknown episode a few days before. While I didn't end up going to any of the places he went, it did introduce me to two bands, The Dead Weather and The Kills. I absolutely love the album Blood Pressures by The Kills. You may think Nashville is nothing but country, but there are a few hidden gems.

Anyway... it still stings. And will for time to come.

I remember the first ep I watched... It was at my mom's house, after she came home around midnight after work. We watched his Okinawa episode. I loved it, and had to see more. I loved the way it was written and filmed. It wasn't just food, it was as I said a bit ago, culture and history. And food. And adventure. I just started reading the book that got his stardom started, Kitchen Confidential. It emanates the same spirit you see in his show. Humorous, carefree, rebellious.

Since I've been back from the south, I've started watching a new show: Orphan Black. Damn good! I'm hooked. They do a fantastic job with it. Making each "sister" her own character... and very believable, at that. Tatiana Maslany is phenomenal.


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