Thursday, January 28, 2016

Walken Weekend Wishes

So I just discovered that Christopher Walken had a cooking show, kinda. There are a couple videos online. While looking for an episode of Anthony Bourdain's past show No Reservations that had Mr. Walken on it, I discovered a vid that has Walken and Richard Belzer from Law & Order: SVU. It's interesting.

Here y'go.

Also, there's a new movie coming out sometime in the near future, directed by the guy who did the Men In Black movies, called Nine Lives. Somehow they convinced Kevin Spacey to do voiceover for a cat. In a live-action movie. And it has Walken in it! I'm unashamedly excited.

Yeah I need to go to bed. G'night.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Supportive Musical Chalk Dedications

Guess the Oscars are coming up. Prolly won't watch them, for two reasons. To support the boycott and to avoid the Alan Rickman tribute. I can always watch that part later. See if the emotions still hit hard. (After Robin Williams, it took several months.)

Been irritable ever since getting home from work today. Trying to remedy with drink and tunes. Listened to The C*nts earlier and now to an old favorite, Them Crooked Vultures. I'd really love for them to get together and make another album. But seeing as the 3-man supergroup is one part Queens of the Stone Age, one part Foo Fighters, and one part Led Zeppelin, I can see how that might be difficult... But still!

Alright, so ever since Alan Rickman died, I knew I wanted to attempt to draw him. Here is tonight's attempt:
Based from this pic:
Not perfect, I know, but I'm pretty pleased. I definitely wanted to honor him with my best attempt.

That's for you, sir!

Take care.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Parts Unknown & Fondness... Always

My mom has recently gotten me interested in Anthony Bourdain. He's a chef, author, and TV personality who has a show on CNN called Parts Unknown, where he travels abroad. He eats different foods, learns and shares history lessons, discovers cultures. He's humorous at times. He's a recovered addict - of many things, apparently - but still indulges in his booze.

And this next picture reminds me of something on my bucket list I need to accomplish...
Oh yes... Oysters and stout. I missed out on an Oysters & Stout festival that was a couple hours away a year or two ago. Since then, it's been one of my top to-do's.

He has great disdain for Guy Fieri and has often ridiculed him.

I spent New Year's out of town with a couple friends. We attended a New Year's Countdown show at a comedy club (and drank too much whisky) and then saw a limited 70mm release of Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight" the next afternoon. Very good times.

Incredibly upset to hear of Alan Rickman's passing. I haven't been this affected by celebrity's death since Robin Williams. If you look at my movie collection, you can see that I sometimes collect flicks by actor, when I really like them. Alan Rickman was one of these few such actors. My collection - quite suddenly - now has an end.

Goodbye, Mr. Rickman. And thank you.