Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bored Girl with the Music Enthusiasm

This weekend was such a bust. Last night - Friday - was boring as crap and tonight hasn't been much better. Puts one in a rather lousy mood.

Tonight's mid-winter fire pit couldn't even burn away this aura of lifelessness.

Oh. I finished Saint Odd earlier today. It was good. A bit anti-climactic, but still pleasing. There were tears at one point. Now I'll continue with the Saga of the Noble Dead. On to book 3, which will be the first non-digital book I've read in a while. (My husband has it in paperback.)

Listening to Tegan and Sara, a somewhat recent interest. Love their So Jealous album. They're twins, and something about them reminds me of the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Noomi Rapace. Maybe their facial bone structure. And the hair. Eyes? Something.

See what you think...

Blah. Need out of here.

I'm watching Vigo sit inside my husband's lunch cooler, chewing on the outside zipper. I should stop him.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015


No work now for about a month and two days. And lovin' it. (Cept for going stir-crazy every so often.)

The last of the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz came out yesterday. I finished the book I was previously reading today and immediately started Saint Odd. Second book on the iPad I got for Christmas! The first was Thief of Lives, the second of the Noble Dead series, which I'm enjoying so far. I'll return to it after Odd's adventures come to an end.

That's pretty much all I got fer now. Til next time.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cuddly Scourge

Feel like I'm getting back on track with things. I received something in the mail yesterday alerting me to the test I need to take to be a certified para-educator. Registration and payment are due at the end of the month.

Not that I lost my way, it just seemed to be easier to map things out while I was unhappily employed. Now that I'm at home and happier, there seems to be less pressure to reach those goals. But, still wholly planning on doing it. I expected a hiatus, and that's what I'm experiencing. And - hopefully - it's nearing its end. I hope to be seeing the beginning of my next adventyuh!

You burn too bright
You live too fast
This can't go on too long
You're a tragedy starting to happen.

^These lyrics are caught my attention tonight, even though I've heard them numerous times.

So, my father and his wife gave us a cat for Christmas. They didn't really plan to, it just kinda happened while I was there visiting. He's more of a kitten, maybe a couple months old, almost completely white except for a few dark hairs on the top of his head.

After a few days, I finally came up with the name Vigo for him, due to the child's love of the movie Ghostbusters II. And yeah, I call him Veegz just as often as I call him Vigo. And my husband is always adding "The Scourge of Carpathia!" to his name.

Annnd, I just remembered I made this meme several months ago...

Hehehe... Aahh yes. The name is more fitting than I ever knew. Excellent.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Trying Something Different

Today I finally gave in and created a Tumblr account. I refrained til now because I was afraid it would take away from this blog. But, it looked fun. So... I caved. I've had Pirate's Log for over 5 years and while there may be a reader or two, there's never been a single official follower or comment. I do still mean to maintain this one as well, but we'll see how it goes.

All the best. (Well, not all of it... I need some.)