Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Recent Listens and Acquisitions

Lately I've been addicted to everything Kill Bill. And since I haven't seen Vol 2 completely yet, I'm trying to stick to Vol 1 stuff. Like the soundtrack, which I love. However, I just tonight discovered that Nico Vega covered a song from the Vol 1 soundtrack. They covered Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) and it's pretty good. Though, I must say that I like the original better this time. Nancy Sinatra wins this round.

The "Peace Love Death Metal" album from the Eagles of Death Metal has been a frequent listen lately, as well. And just got some Veruca Salt. So far, I like.

The Pretty Reckless was on the radio this morning, my favorite song from them. Lead singer (Taylor Momsen) is... hold on, gotta check Wikipedia... okay... Yeah she's hot. (She's 20, 6 years younger than me.)

Someone mentioned that Lovedrug is good, so I acquired some of their material and plan to listen to it. Also got the movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (I hope it's good, has one of my favorite actors in it).

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Upcoming Trip and Recent Post

In less than a month, I'll be seeing Elbow and losing myself in the urban jungle that is Chicago. I'm very much looking forward to wandering aimlessly through the city, seeing what I find.

Me, I see a city and I hear a million voices
Planning, drilling, welding, carrying their fingers to the nub
Reaching down into the ground,
Stretching up into the sky
Because they can...

Oh my god, Chi-town can talk
Somewhere in all that talk is all the answers
Everybody owns the great ideas,
And it feels like there's a big one round the corner.

Oh, and even though I don't think it'll be possible, I really REALLY wish I could have this umbrella to take, if it forcasts rain during my trip. Because... it's just so my style, and I love it.

Annd, just completed the final step, locking down a place to stay. Sweeet.

So that song I just recently posted - "Easier" by Nico Vega - continues to hold my attention. Watching the video again tonight, my favorite part is the towards the end, starting with the instrumental part (2:35 on the video and on). The little girl coming up to him, listening to him and dancing, giving him the confidence he needed. He had persistence, as the vid shows from the beginning, but she gives him the confidence needed to get what he desired... to be accepted as a Mariachi. That, along with Aja's backseat dancing, makes it a great sequence.

Even though I really love "Charge" and "My Sad Captains" from Elbow's latest album, I still find myself cranking up both my iTunes and my computer volume to max when "New York Morning" comes on.

Friday, April 18, 2014


While "Million Years" will always be my first fave, I think this song has - just tonight - also become a favorite Nico Vega song.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Endings, Finds, and Later Happenings

Hi there. Still here. I decided that I kinda needed the internet as a de-stressor. I like getting new music and looking up new backgrounds at my leisure, especially while listening to tunes and enjoying a drink.

Not really anything new going on. Psych ended and so did How I Met Your Mother. Loved both shows. Liked the former's finale much more than that latter's. Psych ended their run quite well, in my opinion. Even though I wasn't ready for it.

Been getting compliments at work from the areas I've been working in. Part of me wants to say "huh? HUH? Yeah that's right" to my superiors when I receive the praise. Or, some version of this:

Might see if I can get into the community theatre scene soon. It's been on my mind lately.

Oooh, I really wanna see The Grand Budapest Hotel. It looks great. But I'll have to wait, due to it being a limited release, much like Seven Psychopaths was. Oh well. Not necessarily a theater movie anyhow. But it will be watched. Oh yes. It will be watched.

So, here are a few wallpapers I found this evening:
These and a couple more bring the total of background pics to 126.

This'll be a shorty. Not much going on. However, the rare sighting of Elbow in the North American region is approaching. Six weeks and four days. Not that I'm counting... Okay, I obviously am. But it's not to the point of hours & minutes yet, so back off.

By the way, thinking of getting this as my next tattoo...

Maybe upper left arm? Not in white, of course, likely black or gray or something. And if I do... Noooo one will get it. Many inquiries about its meaning and significance. But, I'll know.