Thursday, June 20, 2013

Laughs, Reads, and the Like

The weekend is nigh.

Had a staff meeting today. It was about stress and how to deal. I realized I haven't had much humor in my life at all lately. The amount of laughter has been significantly low. And my mind immediately said "start watching Whose Line again." Can't argue with that logic. Or other chortle-inducing shows or movies. Tonight's choice was The Replacements. Laughed aloud at one part, but can't remember which. One part I quite like is the scene where the convict and the cop are sitting together eating, with Clifford doing the talking.

Got some new music tonight, by George Baker Selection. "Little Green Bag" played on an episode of Psych, in a bit of a parody of the movie Reservoir Dogs, which the song is originally in.

Well it didn't take long at all to develop an overly-clingy relationship to the new Queens of the Stone Age album. Love it entirely.

If you are interested in reading Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, go for it. It started off a bit slow, with the most interesting bits being Salander's bits, but soon it got more interesting, and then the inability to put it down arrives. I read at work (sometimes a bit at home before), after, and at night when I go to bed.

^Also meant for those who may have started it but got bored.^ I have that problem often. Like 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. And more recently, Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. I had hopes since I loved the Harry Potter books (not because I expected more magic/fantasy/stuff, but because I liked her as an author), but it seemed like she had turned the world into a Dursleyverse. (HP fanatics may understand.)

"If life is but a dream...

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