Saturday, June 29, 2013


Been watching new episodes of Psych. It's been curing my lack of laughter. I love the chief, Karen. She's very serious, very down-to-earth 95% of the time. But there are those few moments that are absolute gems. Like in the ep "Deez Nups." She's part of a bachelorette party, which is led by the maid of honor, an ex-con. Who starts the party off by handing out skimpy stripper-ish outfits and pouring shots. Karen says she shouldn't, can't, she's the chief of police. Then...

So she takes the shot (which looks to be a double), turns the glass upside down to show it, and holds a triumphant expression... while wheezing slightly.

It's hilarious. I love this woman.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Laughs, Reads, and the Like

The weekend is nigh.

Had a staff meeting today. It was about stress and how to deal. I realized I haven't had much humor in my life at all lately. The amount of laughter has been significantly low. And my mind immediately said "start watching Whose Line again." Can't argue with that logic. Or other chortle-inducing shows or movies. Tonight's choice was The Replacements. Laughed aloud at one part, but can't remember which. One part I quite like is the scene where the convict and the cop are sitting together eating, with Clifford doing the talking.

Got some new music tonight, by George Baker Selection. "Little Green Bag" played on an episode of Psych, in a bit of a parody of the movie Reservoir Dogs, which the song is originally in.

Well it didn't take long at all to develop an overly-clingy relationship to the new Queens of the Stone Age album. Love it entirely.

If you are interested in reading Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, go for it. It started off a bit slow, with the most interesting bits being Salander's bits, but soon it got more interesting, and then the inability to put it down arrives. I read at work (sometimes a bit at home before), after, and at night when I go to bed.

^Also meant for those who may have started it but got bored.^ I have that problem often. Like 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. And more recently, Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. I had hopes since I loved the Harry Potter books (not because I expected more magic/fantasy/stuff, but because I liked her as an author), but it seemed like she had turned the world into a Dursleyverse. (HP fanatics may understand.)

"If life is but a dream...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


There's not much that is more satisfying than following a character in a book as she gets wronged, starts planning her revenge, gets wronged again... and finally takes action.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tuning In, And Out

Listening to the new QotSA album "...Like Clockwork." Heard some lyrics tonight that caught my attention.

Do you know who you really are? Are you sure it’s really you?
Lies are a funny thing;
They slip through your fingertips because they never happened to you.
Time wounds all the heals, as we fade out of view.

So tonight, a local yearly tradition began. Live music in a local park. I'd been excited for it ever since I came to the day shift. However... the evening could have went better. Ended up leaving pretty early. Maybe next time will be better. I have hope.

It's kinda unfortunate that the most physical contact I've had lately has been getting caressed by a patient - an elderly not-all-there lady - laying in a hospital bed.

Got some mash-ups the other evening, finally. You know, mixings of at least two songs. They're ok, a good start, but I want more. The DJ at the wedding reception the other weekend really pumped them out through the night.

Now for some Veils. Haven't listened to them in a long time.

Oh hey, check out Sleeping With Sirens. They have multiple albums, but their latest, Feel, is good. They seem to sound like a mix of Halestorm and Paramore.

Take care. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


QotSA Top Daft Punk

Not that I don't like Daft Punk, I actually love them, and have both groups' new album. But it's my Queens!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I have recently become fond of Lenny Kravitz. I wasn't previously. Liked only a couple of his songs (Lady, Fly Away, and If I Could Fall In Love... never cared for the American Woman cover). But now that I've seen him on screen, I can't stop thinking of it.

I just finished reading the Hunger Games books. Reading them, Cinna was my favorite character. Kravitz plays him in the movie. To a T. Cinna is a minor and a major character simultaneously. A few short scenes, but very meaningful. I'm very glad Kravitz was cast and that he did not disappoint.

Maybe seeing him without his usual sunglasses helped. Being able to see his eyes. It makes a difference.

Reading up on him a bit, I discovered that he learned what he could about the leading lady, Jennifer Lawrence, by talking to his daughter Zoe Kravitz, who was in X-Men: First Class with her. I read this and thought, "wait, who? Oh no way, she wasn't... She was!" She's Angel, the stripper with fairy/insect wings and acidic phlegm. Quite um, quite a looker.

So... kudos, Mr. Kravitz. Thank you for bringing my beloved character to life successfully.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I don't like anime, but I do rather like this humanization of my favorite Disney-Pixar movie.