Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We Won't Run

Speed metal after a not so good day. Devildriver and Static-X. Hmm, I should add Cannibal Corpse to my collection. And of course Fear Factory is a favorite... I have 109 of their songs, 8 albums. Got into them when I heard "Invisible Wounds (The Suture Mix)" - and loved it - on the Resident Evil soundtrack. Although Fear Factory is sometimes angry, sometimes more mechanical/techno.

I'm being plagued by the same issues I had at my past place of employment. Workers being treated unfairly by our superiors... being wrote up for irrelevant things, being denied raises... and still being expected to give perfect scores on our bosses' surveys so they're sure to receive their own raises. The only praise and notice we get anymore is from our co-workers, never from higher ups. The department I work in is known to be the "friendliest, most customer-friendly group of workers in the hospital." Yet we're constantly being chastised for meaningless things and have quite an employee turnover, due to frustration and unfairness. Someone said tonight, and I agree... "our bosses don't realize how bad all these write-ups and employee turnovers make them look."



Tonight was going to be a lay-off-the-rum night. I decided to reschedule.

It is now March, and the weather is warming up a bit. I find myself doing something I know I've done before, and now understand it to be a feel-good thing that I do... When I'm driving somewhere, I roll the window down to feel the fresh air, and play "Float On" by Modest Mouse. Float On has been one of my all-time favorite songs ever since I first heard it... I loved the guitar riffs (still do)... and it apparently either is played when I'm in a lightened mood, or when I need my mood lightened.

Saved by music once again.

(Title of this entry is another song I'm into at the moment.)

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