Monday, September 27, 2010

Still Here

Tomorrow begins week 7 of school. I've made it this far. Barely. I have been behind in my Psychology class, which is Human Relations in the Workplace. It's open learning, so it's at my own pace, which is obviously problematic. My own pace is slooow when I have 3 other classes. And next month, October, will be a busy one. A camping trip, a wedding, Halloween... I should be kicking into overdrive to get ahead, but motivation is nowhere to be found.

My computers class is frustrating. The class is 2 days a week. The first day is lectures, and the second is labs and assignments. Yet, none of the labs and assignments have anything to do with the lectures. Then the other day I left my flash drive plugged into the computer I use. It's most likely long gone.

In English class, we had a 100-point, 800-word narrative essay due about a week ago. Right after we handed them in, we started getting lectured on how to do an informative essay. Which will need to be 1,000 words. Oi.

Ah, I mentioned Halloween a bit ago. I bought my costume the other day. Mrs Freddy Krueger. I love it. The hat is rather large, but oh well. My kid's costume is a basic one, nothing special, because it was pretty much the only thing in his size. However, it does suit him.

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