Thursday, March 18, 2010


My internet use is currently limited. Viruses are mean. They have no feelings, no compassion. Although, I don't seem to be missing much. All the people I deleted, either haven't noticed or have no desire to attempt to reconnect. Therefore the website to which I'm addicted is no longer as interesting.

However I have found other means of keeping myself occupied. My original Sims game for PS2 no longer works, but my Sims: Bustin Out game does. So I've been playing that. My character is in the military career, and currently lives with a couple biochemists. I moved in with them when I moved out of a gym. It's odd. And (gee what a surprise!) the thing I have most difficult maintaining is relationships. My character is very anti-social.

My actual, non-Sims relationships are also screwy. I don't really talk to my best friend much anymore, and she has another friend she's been spending a lot of time with lately, which is great, because with me living an hour away, frequent visiting wasn't convenient. I'm glad she has someone to share things with, do things with, lean on, etc. Especially now that she's just become pregnant. Other relationships... well I could spend 50 lines or more about them, but I won't.

The local electric company is on my loathe list right now. They took the amount I owe from my bank account, the day it was due, then also took the check I sent them for that amount, when it arrived a few days later. Sooo I didn't have enough to cover both withdrawals and therefore my bank account was over $100 in the hole. With 3 or 4 other bills due. I'm hoping they'll credit it to my next payment and I'll have to pay pretty much nothing.

Oi. When will it end.

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