Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Swollen Dreams

My friend of questionable sex visited my place of employment again the other day. Just as friendly as the first time, but alas, no gold star. That's okay.

Do you ever have a dream about the book you're reading? I did. I'm currently reading Stephen King's Under The Dome, and I know from a bit of reading up that several people eventually die from suffocation, before the dome is lifted. So in my dream, I'm getting as far away from town as possible, away from the car exhausts and other breathers, and so on... And eventually other people join me saying "ah, thinking ahead, eh?" (Yes, I have dreams with Canadian accents.) So I guess I'm quite wise, at least in the dream world.

My ankle has been swollen and has required a support brace for over a month now. Anndd I still haven't felt the need to request to be seen by a doctor. Maybe once it gets tweaked just far enough to require someone helping me to get where I need to be, then I'll consider placing a call. Til then, I scoff at md's.

Today I worked 10a-2p. Right after, I drove across the street to the new Menards store (which isn't open yet) to attempt to get hired full-time. Parking lot was full, I get in the door and people are standing virtually shoulder-to-shoulder. I fill out a mini-application, giving the basics, turn it in, and wait. They're calling people maybe 6 at a time, and I hear that some had been there since 10. It was now 3. I stand for an hour, then go sit on a register belt. My ankle throbs, which I fix by sitting on it. (Numbness, the quick fix.) Around 5:30 I think to myself, ok, one more round of names called, then I'm leaving. Lo and behold, my name is called. Last name pronounced incorrectly, as expected. Sigh. But maybe this is a sign. Soo after waiting 3 and a half hours, I have a 5 minute interview. Do I have any experience with home furnishing? Uhh... "Have you painted?" Yes! I have! "Ok..." I've also assembled a crib and a rocker. "Yeah that's not easy, I know" (he says) and I say to myself I know, that's why I didn't do it... ANYway... I should 'expect a call within a couple weeks.' Sure.

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