Monday, September 21, 2009

Tabs & Spell Check

Third entry. I don't think anyone even knows this page exists. Oh well. Gives me something to do, and something to look back at in the future.

Trying to decide if it's better to splurge and buy the good rum or surrender and buy the cheap that tastes rather, eh, well rather bad. Well the first few glasses are bad, then taste really doesn't matter.

This weekend I was told by some people I work with that I was going out with them. So I did. We went to a night club place here in town and listened to a band. (One of my friends personally knows the band.) I drank my usual, rum & pepsi. And bought 3 shots for a few of us because it was Talk Like A Pirate Day. Captain Morgan, typically. Then I went to pay the tab later. I'm not sure what I expected, but definitely not a $50 tab. Whoops.

And I have just discovered that I have been spelling 'definitely' wrong for as long as I can remember. Way to go, jr high spelling bee champion.

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