Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back to Blogging

Part of me wishes I were a big enough celebrity to be able to type... anything... and get fan praise and kudo's for it. I see that online a lot. But it's just wishful thinking on my part.

My partner in crime, friend, and roommate for over 4 years, Sobie, is no longer in my life. We had to leave my beloved feline behind when we moved out of our house and into an apartment a few months ago. I went by and fed her a few times a week, but last week the house maintained new ownership. I wish her the best and won't forget her.

Eric finds it creepy that I have suddenly been watching several 9/11 videos. I don't agree. Something about them just makes me want to see more, probably to try and understand more about it. Yeah, people hijacked planes and killed thousands of people. Yeah, most of them were civilians. But I wonder about things like, how many people survived the collapses, just to perish when they weren't found in time. How many people in the buildings saw the plane coming right at them.

I was in high school at the time it happened, and was told later on to write a paper of the one phone call I would make if I saw the attack in person. I wrote myself as being in the second building, on a field trip, calling my aunt, and seeing a gleam of silver in the sky as everyone around me starts panicking.

Hmm... Can't think of anything else to mention right now, so... bye.

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