As I expected (or maybe it just happened), joining Tumblr seems to've
taken me away from blogging here. But, here I am again. And due to the
length of my absence, and the compelling urge to compose, this may be a
good chunk of typing.
First thing that comes to mind: Modest Mouse released a new album. Strangers to Ourselves is great, I can listen to the whole thing without skipping a single song. (Usually there's one I really don't like.) Tracks 2 and 10 are my favorite. "Lampshades On Fire" and "Wicked Campaign" are so great.
a substitute paraeducator. BUT, also still on the road to getting
certified and being full-time. It's been a process, but I've stuck to
it. Took the ACT WorkKeys test, passed, got a recommendation from a
teacher I'd worked with, received my Teacher Assistant certificate in
the mail a couple weeks ago, registered it last week to be reviewed, and
received an email TODAY for what should be my final step in this quite
lengthy process. And come August, BAM... Full-time job. It's looking
like elementary school is the place for me. Haven't even tried the
junior or senior high, but I went to the school that has grades 4-5-6 a
few times and... rather disliked it. The preschool wasn't terrible, I
could probably work there. But uh, they're more likely to be potty
trained in elementary school.
Finished my Arkham Asylum
game. (Though, when I finished, it said I was only 70-something percent
done with the game, so I went back and found more Riddler trophies
& stuff for awhile. Never got to 100% but oh well. And the final
boss - the Joker - really wasn't difficult.) Now I'm on the next game,
Arkham City, and I really dislike Ra's al Ghul. But, I do quite like
that I occasionally play as Catwoman.
Been storming a lot here. No complaints. I'd looove to get another snapshot of lightning.
and saw Avengers: Age of Ultron recently. Enjoyed. I think the other
movie that is a must-see for me this year is Jurassic World. Definitely
going to see it. Ant-Man, San Andreas, and Terminator: Genisys would be
good to see as well, but Jurassic World is at the top of my list. (Star
Wars is apparently going to be seen on opening night at an IMAX theatre.
Should prolly go get in line, um, now.)
Oh! I met Adam Ferrara
about two weeks ago! It was a good time. I've actually watched quite a
bit that he's in. Saw him first in Rescue Me, then started watching Top
Gear, then his "Funny As Hell" stand-up comedy special, then went back
and watched the show The Job, and his most recent show, Nurse Jackie.
a friend and I drove about 4.5 hours to see him perform stand-up at an
Improv comedy club. Afterward, he was at a table selling & signing
his Funny As Hell dvds and allowing pictures. We missed him the first
time, so stayed at the bar talking and waiting for him to get out of his
second show. We were first in line that time around. Nice guy.
me about a month to get ahold of a movie I found out about and wanted
to see. I wanted to see more David Carradine movies, and found The Golden Boys.
Saw that it had him, Rip Torn, and Bruce Dern. As three sea captains.
Figured there could be no wrong. Finally watched it last night, and I
enjoyed. Easy to see why it's not a popular one, but I still enjoyed it.
Alright, I think that's pretty much it. Getting distracted with other stuff. Got all the important things covered.