Monday, August 29, 2011

Remedial Thongs

A countdown has begun. Less than a month. I'm excited about the vacation we finally get to take after, but my excitement seems to not be shared. My first real vacation since I can remember. My anxiousness is met by indifference. Oh well.

Had tonight off. Helped a bit with the setup of a business, re-arranged the downstairs of the apartment, then made dinner for a couple friends and their young'n. Which went over quite well, thankfully.

I'm listening to some random music tonight, hoping to lift my spirits. The Heavy, Gnarls Barkley, OK Go, Middle Class Rut, QOTSA... Not really in the mood to listen to Elbow. I don't think I'm burnt out, there's just something that made listening to them a great thing to experience, and now it's no longer significant. But, they will remain my favorite band.

Top Gear is still an enjoyment I can add to my day. I know that previously I babbled extensively about the third episode, with the moonshine & flying coupe de ville, but the fifth episode could quite possibly be even better. One thing that's great, haha, of course being a music person, is how they always have 80's-ish music when the camera's on the Fiero. And how they play the National Lampoon's Vacation theme when they show the station wagon.

They (again) have crappy cars, and one of their challenges is to stop midway up a hill, set their parking brake, grab a bowling ball, get back in & take off without their cars rolling away. Well, one of them fails, and ends up climbing out either their driver side door or window as it rolls sideways off the hill...colliding with my favorite guy's car. He says "what is wrong with you!?" and then gets ahold of the bowling ball and throws it at the first guy's car.

Hmm. I may re-watch it. Guaranteed laughs. Sounds remedial.

Out of nowhere, the other day I had "Goodbye Horses" in my head. Generally, that song is associated with perversity and a well-known actor in nothing but an open robe and a wig, standing with his legs crossed.

Doesn't stop me from singing it while in the presence of strangers.

Is there a thong in your heart?
Sorry. Random Whose Line quote.

One downside to being this close to the certain event, I haven't been able to do much outside home and work, because of needing to save money. I haven't been to a movie since May, over 3 months ago. Haven't really been out for drinks since then either. Not that I got many invites anyway.

I was told recently by someone that they were using my method of surviving a bad day. Which includes alcohol consumption and either a video game, favorite tv show, music, or writing. Or a mixture of those. But mostly the alcohol consumption. I almost said that my method has an ulterior motive - to bring about the end of the self hatred, frustration, and hatred of others sooner. While there are those I love and adore dearly, such as my son, his father, and select few others, that I would do anything for - whether it were within my power or not - I hate how I feel. I hate how I see people. And I hate myself for the way I feel. While it's up for grabs whether people in general deserve to be categorized as good or bad, and while I have witnessed occurrences that favor both sides, I seem to view them negatively. In my experience, there is more often someone there that disrupts your life more often than there's someone there to enhance it.

But, luckily, everyday I get to see two faces that make things bearable and put a damper on all the negativity that I seem to tote.

So yeah... Next time you think you're empathizing with someone, you may want to reconsider. There may be more to them and their actions than you know.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My work night turned out to be crappy and miserable. Between having a cold - where you spend half the night sneezing and the other half feeling like you're gonna sneeze (bridge of your nose and around your eyes tingling and aching) - and being unable to take my half hour lunch break - at all - it quite sucked. Fatigue also played a part.

But! Home sweet home. Concocted a cocktail and re-watching an episode of the show I've started. The U.S. version of Top Gear. I've only seen 3 episodes, and I love it. This third episode, as I said, is worth re-watching. Hilarious. The moonshine episode. Definitely recommended.

I hope they keep this show going. It's really interesting - even to people who aren't car-savvy. The three guys who do it work really well together and make it hilarious.

"Is that your lack of confidence I hear? That is refreshing! I'd like another sip!"

"Pick a number between one and ten."
"Close. Eight. You go first.
"....That didn't sound fair."

"Should we tell him he already crossed the finish line?"
"Nah, let him go."

The Flying Coupe Deville. So incredibly great. And then playing taps for the car... hahaha.

Sorry. Get carried away sometimes.
But seriously... Check it out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tell Me, Who Are You

Likes: Tomatoes. Puzzles. Reading. Swimming. Truth.

Dislikes: Cream corn. Reality shows. Boredom. Liars.

I am a hypocrite, a sloucher, a nail biter, a drinker, and a procrastinator.

Also a musician, a working mother, and a companion.

And a friend, when I'm not used or lied to.

I have a mixture of cowardice and bravery. Cowardice when it involves my own feelings, bravery when it involves others.

I don't have the ability to accurately express myself, especially when I'm offended, angry, or hurt.

And the less people try to find out the cause of these feelings, especially when it's their fault, the more I see their feelings of indifference.

Simple things please me. Polite gestures. Kind words. Getaways, escapes, etc. Appreciation.

No point to this. Just bored writing, random thoughts. Thinking about the things the world sees so little of.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Inappropriate Brutal Incisions

Interesting things. Things worth writing about. I wait for them constantly, and sometimes - like now - a few of them at a time fall into my lap. Might as well start at the beginning, like normal people do. You know, the boring way.

(Not for the weak-stomached folk.)

Last week at work while I was... working... another associate came in to take out the hazardous waste. He finds me, asks me to clean up a small mess for him, some blood on the floor. The bin beside the blood is open, and he says "you don't want to look in there." Well hello. Obviously he didn't know me. Of course I look. It's a leg. A severed human leg. I was shocked... that my stomach didn't start squirming. I just thought "Oh. That's a leg." and got back to work. Then, soon after, I began wondering if the owner of the leg had an alien insect crawling towards his testicles. "Take the leg!! Take it!!" And a while after that, a play on the old Mike Meyers line, "if it's a severed leg I'm going to be very upset."

Yes, I'm completely aware of how inappropriate and insensitive my response was.

So that was first. The second occurred at the beginning of the shift I just got off of. I was told to go clean up a spill in a certain lobby. I get there, start cleaning. Two cops come in with a guy handcuffed between them. As soon as he's in the lobby this guy starts yelling about police brutality and his rights and all that jazz (I have a feeling he was saving this act for when he was inside, with an audience). And he starts struggling, trying to get free. The two cops hang on the best they can, and end up wrestling the guy to the ground a few feet away from me. As this is happening, I calmly take the scissors and putty knife that's on top of my cart and lock them up inside it. (It's probably reckless and stupid to keep them out like that, but it's convenient.) And then I resume my cleaning. The cops lay on the guy til a few other people - including a security guard that may rival John Coffey in size - come in with a gurney and wheel him off. I finished cleaning, made sure an elderly couple that had witnessed the whole thing were okay, and left.

I really didn't mean for the scissors/putty knife line to be the climax. I'm sure whoever read it thought I did something a lot more serious than lock them up. "Shut up and behave or this 1 & 1/4 inches of flat dull metal will mess you up!" says the 5ft skinny-ish housekeeper.


Annnd the last thing. Next week I have a doctor's appointment, two hours away. With a plastic surgeon, of all md's. There's a lump on my lower neck/upper back that I'm hoping to get rid of. I thought perhaps it would just require a needle, and be drained, but I guess not. I don't really know what to expect. Anesthesia? A gaping hole after? Something that is better, stronger, faster? Well... okay, if you insist. I won't be able to see it anyway.