Sunday, May 9, 2010

Another Trip Around The Sun

I just got back from a journey to Phoenix, Arizona. Eric's dad died a while back and we had to go take care of the estate. We left Monday and got to my mom's this morning around 4. Drove from Albuquerque, NM to her place, straight through, I think 16 hours worth of driving. That's quite a bit.

Along with being our day of return, it is also my birthday (and mother's day). In the few weeks leading up to it, I kept waiting for plans to be made (I'm not really one to make my own birthday plans), hoping someone would maybe express interest in having a fun-filled evening, going out. I don't know why it bothers me that nothing was ever offered, since the trip would have interfered anyway, in the end. I guess that compared to my last few birthdays, this one was very bland and uneventful, and didn't turn out the way I wanted it.

It was nice seeing the western U.S... Got several pictures. On the way to Phoenix, I was completely captivated by the scenery. But leaving Phoenix, I just didn't seem to care. I think we just wanted to get home. We missed our child. If we had more time and money, we would have explored Route 66, seen the grand canyon, visit Roswell NM, maybe spend a day in San Diego... So many things we would have liked to do. Oh well.

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