Sunday, May 30, 2010

Motivation, Such An Aggravation

Hate when I really want to let loose blog-wise, but have nothing to talk about. Same happens with art. I loved art class in high school, the teacher gives you an assignment, whether it be chalk, clay, papier-mâché... Anyway, she would narrow it down, while at the same time giving you options. Such as, she says; we're doing a chalk portrait of a person. You get to choose your subject. I seemed to have the most success with those, because those are what won me art fair ribbons. And now, I just know that I want to create something, I want to be hard at work at what I'm doing... but I guess the motivation is lacking.

Apparently I left my ipod cord at my mom's last time I was there. Which is frustrating. I have acquired music, and then discovered I have no way of transferring it to my ipod. I knew I should've bought a spare one.

I hope to start classes at a community college soon. I know that I should have as soon as I got out of high school, but I had no idea of what to go for at the time. Well, I did, but for me to be successful, it would have required me to go to New York or Los Angeles. Shyeah, like that would have worked out.

And yes, my blog title does consist of song lyrics.

Me thinks mine motivation is spent on keeping the apartment semi-clean, meaning cleaning up after mine child, whom is constantly into everything, and his father, whom is severely lacking in the organizational area. But alas, I have told meself to complain not in this blog entry.

Listening to Dream by the Cranberries, which I know was in The Next Karate Kid (one of my favorites as a kid... Hilary Swank and Michael Ironside... nuff said) but was also in a commercial a while back... but can't remember which. I shall attempt to find out.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Another Trip Around The Sun

I just got back from a journey to Phoenix, Arizona. Eric's dad died a while back and we had to go take care of the estate. We left Monday and got to my mom's this morning around 4. Drove from Albuquerque, NM to her place, straight through, I think 16 hours worth of driving. That's quite a bit.

Along with being our day of return, it is also my birthday (and mother's day). In the few weeks leading up to it, I kept waiting for plans to be made (I'm not really one to make my own birthday plans), hoping someone would maybe express interest in having a fun-filled evening, going out. I don't know why it bothers me that nothing was ever offered, since the trip would have interfered anyway, in the end. I guess that compared to my last few birthdays, this one was very bland and uneventful, and didn't turn out the way I wanted it.

It was nice seeing the western U.S... Got several pictures. On the way to Phoenix, I was completely captivated by the scenery. But leaving Phoenix, I just didn't seem to care. I think we just wanted to get home. We missed our child. If we had more time and money, we would have explored Route 66, seen the grand canyon, visit Roswell NM, maybe spend a day in San Diego... So many things we would have liked to do. Oh well.