Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hello December. And... weather that doesn't require a coat. Oh right, it's the midwest. It can freeze in September and be 60 degrees three months later.

My interest in creating my own music station has re-ignited. Not really sure how to go about doing it. I've been reading up on creating online stations, and some require servers, some require payment... While that's fine, I just don't see the point in paying for something if people aren't going to listen to it. I want to share my music. Tonight I imagined I had a station, and made up a playlist of the songs I would play. It would be great if people could listen to it like they listen to their ipod on random... Not knowing what's next, but knowing they'll like it.

Today was a day off from work. I spent most of it cooking. Made double chocolate cookies from scratch, a big salad, and french onion potatoes. The latter two don't require much, but the cookies were quite time consuming.

The song I'm listening to now still gets me. It's on the end of the pilot episode of Rescue Me, and I think of the scene every time I hear the song. It brings feelings of isolation and endurance. Coping with what has happened and is happening, in your own way.
Here's the video link:
If you want to skip the speech and just hear the song, go to 3:00. But I suggest watching the whole thing, gives you a better sense of what I'm talking about.
It will forever be a favorite of mine.